Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 2

Aug 21, 2010 16:36

4. Favorite sibling relationship: Ed & Al (Fullmetal Alchemist)

I bet you were all surprised by this one. ;)

Just kidding! I mean could there be anything else? I love Ed & Al probably more than it is healthy. Their relationship is what got me into FMA which became my favorite series ever. I probably already said most of this in the other 30 day meme I did but oh well here it is again. I love how they look out and support one another but how they are also individuals. Their relationship isn't just about relying on each other but also about having faith in each other to be strong & accomplish things on their own when they can't be together. And they also aren't afraid to knock some sense into each other when it is needed. They make me laugh, they make me cry and I love them to pieces. Or really I love Arakawa to pieces for creating them and such a wonderful, hopeful series. ♥

5. Favorite friendship: Isako & Yasako (Dennou Coil)

I love Dennou Coil and maybe the reason I love it so much is because at the heart of it is the story of two girls with the same name (Yuko). It tells the connection these two girls have with one another although they at first don't realize it. Finding the connection is not easy but these two girls somehow grasp it. And I have to quote Mitsuo Iso because I think this sums up the story perfectly.

there will always be a distance between people, and even between things that seem within ones' reach. And that one must walk down a long, thin and winding road before they reach one's heart. There's tons of obstacles. It's in fact like the roads in towns of old

You see there are not many stories that focus primarily on friendship. And certainly not the friendship between two young girls. There is also some cute young romance in Dennou Coil but I like that it is actually secondary to the story of Isako/Yasako. Again that would be very rare. In most other cases the friendship storyline would be secondary to romance.

6. Favorite parent-child relationship: Yotsuba & Her Dad (Yostuba&)

I dare anyone to read Yotsuba and not be warmed to the cockles of your heart. I really love this relationship because while Kiyohiko Azuma writes with the purpose of comedy there is a lot of truth in the way a father and young daughter interact too. You see Yotsuba playing with her dad, him teaching her new things, her asking a million questions (and you can see how much she looks up to him). I also love how she comes in to bother him when he is working on the computer or when you see them sleeping side by side on Tatami mats together. Oh man so cute ♥

Of course on paper raising a cute child like Yotsuba seems much easier. XD

The Rest of the Days

yotsuba, denno coil, meme, hagaren

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