Summer Anime 2010

Jul 10, 2010 19:10

So are there any good new anime series at all this season?

I just finished watching all the anime from the spring season and I highly recommend Saraiya Goyou but now I have nothing to watch. Mind you I don't want to follow many series but one or two would be nice.

Problem is nothing sounds that enticing to me this season, not even the noitanimA series. Everyone seems obsessed with Highschool for the Dead but lots of fan service and killing zombies is just really not for me. :/

I also think I am going to go back and watch Tatami Galaxy but it would still be nice to watch at least one of the series that are currently airing.

So any suggestions? Any hidden gem I am overlooking? I know the season just started so maybe it's too early to tell.


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