Book Meme

Mar 16, 2010 18:14

Stolen From zauberer_sirin

Book next to your bed right now:

War & Peace, well it's not really next to my bed but it is what I am reading

Favorite series:

I am going to be so predictable and say Lord of the Rings. It started my love affair with fantasy literature a love affair that has since ended. I have become pretty disenchanted with the genre but those books will always be special to me.

Favorite book: I love a great many books but the ones I've read the most (and I don't normally re-read books)

The Good Earth
Lord of the Rings
To Kill a Mockingbird
Pride & Prejudice

The one book you would have with you if stranded on a desert island: I used to say LOTR because 3 books in 1 but now that I am reading War & Peace and taking into account it's length that wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Although a book on learning a foreign language might also be very practical. But I just hope I am never stuck on a desert island so I won't have to make this decision.

Book/series you would take with you on a long flight: I always take whatever I am reading at the moment and I never end up reading that much at all. Something about being on a plane makes me not want to read

Worst book you were made to read in school: Return of the Native, The Native Son, Ethan Frome, Tons of books with male teenage protagonists which I was supposed to identify with but never did.

Book that everyone should be made to read in school: There isn't one book but I feel my school at least ignored world Classic Literature (18th a& 19th century) and instead only focused on US Modern Classics (20th century), Shakespeare, and some Greek tragedies. Not saying these things are not important but I wish what I read in school was a bit more rounded.

Book that everyone should read, period: The Little's short and sweet and has so much meaning. Surely everyone should take the time to read it (this coming from someone who only read it like last year)

Favorite character now: To me the two most compelling characters in literature are Jean Valjean & Raskolnikov (at least from what I read so far)

Favorite character as a kid: Er I don't know about characters but my favorite kid books were things like A Wrinkle in Time, Island of the Blue Dolphin, A Cricket in Times Square, & Number the Stars

Best villain: Javert

Favorite concept series: I have no clue what this means.

Oh well I will add in the fact that I love Agatha Christie mysteries (might as well add something here).

Favorite invented world: Middle Earth in LOTR

Most beautifully written book: I tend to pay more attention to the story & characters as opposed to how a book is written but for such a short book The Little Prince does have some beautiful themes.

Funniest book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy (and when I say that I mean the first three book).

edit I just realized I had The Price down for the The Little Prince LOL. Well I do like Machiavelli's work as well (something I enjoyed that I read in school) but they are two very different things. XD

reading, meme

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