Two Slice of Life Series Come to an End

Mar 30, 2010 15:23

Cross Game & Nodame Cantabile that is ;__________________;

Cross Game's ending was absolutely perfect. In fact the more I think I about it the more wonderful this series becomes. I can't wait for the manga to be available here so I can have it on my shelf.

Nodame Cantabile's ending was less than perfect (but having read the manga chapters I was expecting that). Still after 3 seasons of this series it was a very enjoyable ride.

Cross Game

Oh god I love everything about this ending. The confession was so subtle and so perfect. No confessions of love, no kisses: just a lie, some tears, a hug, and a picture.

And holding hands which to me is always sweeter than the cliche kiss. I love how Aoba says well you can let go in her typical "I am going to act tough even when I don't mean it" and Kou just keeps holding on. I squeed so loudly.

And the picture scene where they both went back for it, was so perfect. Yeah I am convinced that even if Wakaba had lived, it still would have been Kou & Aoba in the end. And if anything I think Akane showed this. And speaking of which Akaishi/Akane was a cute conclusion as well.

Too bad Azuma didn't find anyone but I love how Azuma indicated that he only had a few very close friends. And at least Aoba and Azuma are now related which is also ridiculously adorable (I loved the wedding scene) ♥

Nodame Cantabile

Still way too rushed ending and in my opinion way too much focus on "other characters" that are not Nodame & Chiaki. On one hand I think it's great that Ninomiya tried to give closure to her other characters. And I really loved the Kuroki/Tanya scene

But as the main characters I didn't feel there was enough closure with Chiaki & Nodame's story. Well I guess it is sort of life goes on ending. But I can't help feeling that the ending for season 2 and especially season 1 were much stronger. I did love Chiaki and Nodame playing the Piano Sonata together again which brought their musical relationship full circle I guess (although as much as I think it's a good thing that Nodame explores music on her own without Chiaki I still really would have loved to see them play that concerto together.)

The hug did make me very happy & I just hope Opera-Hen (which apparently is getting animated as a special in late April) will have a bit more closure.

Now with Nodame Cantabile & Cross Game over, and Durarara!! not on next week it's going to be a light anime week, just FMA: Brotherhood. Well unless the second season of Oofuri is going to air.

nodame cantabile, cross game

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