Hagaren Chapter 105 Epicness is Epic

Mar 14, 2010 21:02

So normally I post my reactions as soon as the RAW comes out but the camera scans were even harder for me to see than usual so I was waiting for a better RAW. Then when the clean RAW came out I decided I waited this long I might as well wait for the scanlation.

So that being said here are my reactions to the awesomeness that was chapter 105

Now more than ever it really feels like the end is near which makes me feel both excited to see where it's all going to lead but also a bit sad because this manga has been part of my life for so long. I know that might sound a little silly but really this story is just so special to me. But I do know all good things must come to an end. Apparently there are only 3 chapters left after this and after this chapter I think it can definitely be done. I am guessing it will be something like this

Chapter 106: Finally Defeat Father
Chapter 107: Truth & Al get's his body back
Chapter `108: Epilogue

Now what is even nicer is these last couple chapters have been extra long so it's almost like we are getting two chapters in one (I am also hoping for an extra gaiden in the final volume).

Anyways onto the chapter: Father didn't get to have the upperhand for too long but I do love how he was defeated.

Gah I don't know what moment I loved more Mei just being pure badass (anyone who still thinks she is just a little girl must be nuts). I want that Mei action figure now thank you!

Or Ed & Al supporting their father (this relationship really has come full circle hasn't it?)

More than anything I feel this chapter (as much as every chapter shows) how much a team effort FMA is. Unlike a lot of fantasy series where you have a chosen one to fight the bad guy, the adults and the kids work together. And how fitting that the citizens of Xerxes would guide the citizens of Amestris back to their bodies (I am glad I wasn't talking nonsense about their bodies still existing and why they would be okay last month).

And finally Scar VS Bradley can you say epic? At one point in the story I thought Bradley might turn good (much earlier on in the manga). I am glad he didn't because he really turned out to be an awesome villain. His final words to Ran Fan were just perfect and his hair finally turning white. I think it's one of the best endings for a villain I've ever seen. I was also thinking that while Scar did deliver the final blow, a lot of other characters (Fu, Buccaneer, Greed&Ling) certainly helped a long the way.

And also going back to Scar, he obviously will be instrumental in saving Amestris but speaking of things going full circle: Winry would not let him die because her parents had saved him and now we know because of those actions they also helped save the world.

hagaren manga, hagaren

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