Beetle Bard and Other Things

Dec 06, 2008 09:21

1) So I ended up going downtown last night. I went to this cute like Christmas Bazaar thing, then drank some very good mint mocha and finally picked up The Tales of Beetle the Bard which I read this morning. It's short but definitely an enjoyable read. As someone who loves fables/fairytales this book was right up my alley. The commentary by Dumbledore was also a lot of fun to read.

2) Speaking of Christmas it looks like I am going skiing from the 25th to the 29th (possibly the 24th to the 29th). Well I don't ski (I tried once and I almost killed myself when I skied into a pole) but I will be going up to the Catskill mountains where some of us will Ski and some of us will engage in other winter activities. Actually I might try to ski cross country. I am looking forward to going but I sort of wish my friends did not want to go for so many days (especially since we are going to spend New Years up in N. Jersey/NY with another friend) but since I don't drive I have to go with the flow.). I guess I won't have anytime to rest this vacation.

3) I found this awesome Nodame Cantabile AMV which mixes the anime with the live action version. Check it out. :)

Speaking of Nodame Cantabile I canceled my order with TRSI and ordered it with Amazon. And Amazon already shipped my order in less then a day. It was basically the same price too. So much fail TRSI (I didn't cancel my DVD orders though because of price and I am still waiting for shipping confirmations. TRSI basically said they have no idea when Toward the Terra will ship. But for the price it doesn't make sense for me to cancel that order.) :(

4) Last but not least

Have a Very Happy Birthdayescalove

edit: Also with such a staff at its helm I am so excited about this upcoming summer anime film.

harry potter, nodame cantabile, birthday

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