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everlasting_day November 26 2008, 00:41:50 UTC
No more Torchwood after the miniseries thing? Truly a tragedy. I shall pine away for it every night, my heart aching with loss.

I really hope there is more SJA after series three. Stories like The Temptation of Sarah Jane (which should blatently have been "The Last Temptation..." instead, just because) and Mark of the Berserker have demonstrated beautifully just how flipping good this show is and that it deserves to last as long as possible.

On a vaguely Who-related note, have you seen the first episode of the new historical (Stewart era) drama The Devil's Whore starring John Simm? It was great - just the kind of period drama I like (i.e. actual drama and blood and the occasional fantasy bit).


kirarakim November 26 2008, 00:49:26 UTC
You sound so upset about Torchwood, how will I console you? XD

But I actually think TW will have 1 more full season in 2010 and that will be its last and SJA will have its final season in the fall of 2009 if things don't change.

And yeah despite being a "kid's show" SJA really does drama better then many "adult shows" in my opinion.

And yes I am definitely watching the Devil's Whore it's a historical drama and stars John Simm two of my favorite things so I couldn't miss it. Glad to hear you are watching it as well. XD


everlasting_day November 26 2008, 00:56:57 UTC
There's no consoling me. I fear I shall whither away in despair.

I wonder if they'll FINALLY get it right with one more full series. If they do and it's the last one I'd probably laugh about the irony of it all. And I'll probably watch the whole thing as usual, even though I'm sick to death of John Barrowman who's EVERYWHERE on UK telly.

It absolutely does. The way it tackles quite dark, real life issues in a very mature, sensible way is quite breathtaking. Alzheimers, death, divorce... it's just great.

Aside from Simm (who's easily the coolest character in it), it's got a great cast as well. And it looks bloody gorgeous. Just really good stuff, and I'm quite picky when it comes to historical drama. Andrea Riseborough being in it is an added plus - I have a massive crush on her. She


everlasting_day November 26 2008, 00:59:30 UTC
...would be a great companion in Doctor Who.

Oh, the woes of not being arsed to buy another paid account. >_>


kirarakim November 26 2008, 01:23:15 UTC
I totally abuse the edit function. It's the main reason I got a paid account, although the extra icons are great too. :)

I don't think I saw Andrea Riseborough in anything else yet but I think she is brilliant in it so far.


everlasting_day November 26 2008, 01:28:03 UTC
So tempted to get it back, but I'm not really missing it. The edit function is so useful, though.

If you can track down the pilot to the drama/comedy/horror series Being Human it's well worth a shot, and she's got her original Newcastle accent in it which gives added cuteness. Unfortunately they're retooling the show for the full series and replacing most of the regular cast (including her), but it works great as a one-shot 50 minute drama.


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