Sarah Jane News, Manga Purchase, & Books

Nov 25, 2008 18:48

Well I missed my regular Monday post because I was tired last night not that I am sure anyone really cared but apparently the Sarah Jane Adventures has been greenlit for a 3rd season. In somewhat disappointing news the 3rd season will probably be its last. Now while I wouldn't mind if the series had more seasons I am personally content with 3. At least it will end on a good note. But if it does get more seasons I won't complain. I know I am in the minority but the SJA is definitely my favorite thing from "New Who". Another good thing about 3 seasons is if the series went on for too long they might have lost more of the cast, but it looks like Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde, Rani will all be returning for the 3rd season.

Apparently the next season of Torchwood will also be its last. I don't really care about that one either way but I know some people on my FL would be interested.

On a side note I also randomly found this short interview with Thomas Knight about his role as Luke. He is such an adorable kid. Although sorry Thomas Knight a cool Luke just would not be Luke. XD

With the Del Rey sale on Rightstuf I picked up volumes 10-15 of the manga which apparently covers the story in the live action special and 2nd season of the anime (originally I bought volumes 1-9 which cover the 1st season of the anime and live action drama). I really love Nodame Cantabile but I don't like collecting manga that is unfinished in Japan anymore Fullmetal Alchemist being the exception and I doubt that one will be much longer. So basically I plan to buy the Nodame Cantabile manga in spurts based on what part of the story is animated and when the manga is finally finished in Japan start collecting it 1 issue at a time.

And I am sticking to the manga over the anime because while I enjoy the anime they leave things out and it doesn't have the best animation. The animation's best strength is Seki Tomokazu as Chiaki and the wonderful OST but I still prefer the manga. If the live action version was ever licensed I would buy that in a heartbeat though.

Anyways I talked about Nodame Cantabile before but the two things I love about this series are:

1) The Nodame/Chiaki relationship: Personally I would not say this relationship is ideal to me but I still enjoy reading about it a lot. It reminds me a lot of the Lucy/Desi relationship from I Love Lucy. Nodame is just as loony as Lucy and she drives Chiaki as crazy as Lucy drove Desi. But in both cases you can tell how much Desi and Chiaki care about those two girls. Perhaps the series should be renamed "I love Nodame" XD

2) But the other thing I really love about the series is it's not just a romantic comedy. It's just as much about Nodame and Chiaki improving themselves as musicians. And I also love the selection of classical music used in the series, I end up learning a lot from reading this series. I plan to go through the manga and somehow obtain all the music listed. I do have some of the music already from downloading the different OST's but unfortunately I didn't label everything correctly. And then I will read the manga to the music. :)

On another note I started to read The Children of Hurin which is a story by Tolkien edited by his son. It's actually an expanded story of one told in the The Silmarillion. If anyone is interested in Middle Earth stuff I definitely recommend it. And I am such a dork that when I read it I listen to music from the LOTR OST's. XD

And since I am on the subject of books I just finished reading the complete fairy tales of Hans Christian Anderson and I want to recommend this particular tale by him. It's not one of his most famous works but apparently it's one of the first works of Science Fiction. It was written in 1838 and includes both Time & Space Travel. I thought it was pretty cool.

nodame cantabile, sarah jane

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