The Temptation of Sarah Jane

Nov 17, 2008 19:58

It's sort of amusing that Monday is now one of my favorite days of the week because Sarah Jane is on. XD

I posted I love Monday's on G-mail and 3 of my friends commented on this LOL

But hey I am glad Sarah Jane makes Monday's something to actually look forward to. At least for the next couple weeks.

This episode was very reminiscent of Father's Day when Rose tried to stop her father's death. What is it with the Doctor's Companion and messing with time.

I adored all the Sarah Jane/Luke moments in this episode but at this point you should realize how much I love this relationship so I'm sure I soundlike a broken record. It was sweet how Luke is always there for Sarah Jane. Although he sort of played both the devil (when he was encouraging her to go) and angel (when he was trying to stop her from changing time) on her shoulder in this episode which I thought was interesting.

The part with Rani and Clyde holding onto each other so they would be protected was cute. I don't ship them (in fact I don't think I want romance in this series) but it still made me go Aww

And woah ending...I love to hate the Trickster

sarah jane

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