Title: A Butterfly Kiss
Fandom: Original
Author: kira
Rating: PG
Character(s): Pashmina, Alex Saint-Germaine
Genre: slice of life
Warnings: none
Words: 184
Written for the prompt: Upon my brow the lightest kiss
Summary: Pashmina kisses his beloved Alex…
Author’s notes: Special thanks to Kat for pinking this for me.
Alex Saint-Germaine sat there, reading a book. He was so engrossed in what he was reading, that he never noticed his beloved Kitten, Pashmina, enter the room. Alex turned the page. The scene was an exciting one; the hero, in a feat of daring-do, was attempting to rescue his one true love from the villain.
Pashmina padded softly over to his patron. “What’re you reading, your Alexness?” he said as he approached. Getting silence, instead of a reply, he frowned. “Alex…” he sang as he stood before him.
Pashmina smiled. Leaning over, he lightly brushed his lips against his beloved’s forehead in a soft butterfly kiss. He straightened up and smirked.
Alex looked up from his book and smiled.
Pashmina raised a delicate brow.
“Love you,” Alex said with a smile as he reached out to take the Kitten’s hand.
“Me too.” Pashmina made himself comfortable on his beloved’s lap. He took the book from Alex, marked his place, and set it aside. “That’s better.”
Alex kissed the Kitten’s fingers. “Much…” he murmured.
Pashmina leaned in, meeting him halfway for a kiss. “Yup!”