(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 00:22

I'm feeling a bit down at the moment.

I've been out of a job for 2 and half weeks and I do not seem to be going anywhere! I'm stuck in the house all day, the walls just seem to be closing in and I try and take every opportunity that I can to get out of them...I mean today I went to Halfords with Jimmy to buy car tools. Yay. I'm constantly bored, my day consists of, checking monster, checking fish4jobs, checking job centre website, checking emails for possible job opportunities. And then I have to find something to fill my day, I'm on WoW so much leveling my Paladin that I'm getting bored of it. I can't listen to music and enjoy it because I get 30 seconds into it and skip to the next and so on and so forth. I've actually managed to go through the 2000 songs on my ipod because I've only listened to 30 seconds of each song.

I desperatly need a job. Money worries are my biggest problem at the moment. I have had 35p in my bank for 3 weeks and I've been living off my credit card for 3 months because I'm not getting paid enough to cover my expenses anymore. This wage is going to be fun. 250 rent, 100 to credit card 45 to phone (this is weird considering it should only be 25 and I've only gone over this by 3 quid at the most). I've then to buy food. Dog has to go to the vet again so will possibly cost me even more money, so far, after being spayed which I didn't pay for she's cost me: 40.00 for 2 injections (anit-inflamitary and anti-biotics) and a course of anitbiotics, 28.00 for the consultations one resulting in the injections and one resulting in the 17.00 staple that is currently in her under-carriage. Totalling. 85.00. Thats not including going back this friday to check the status of her wound or to take the staple out.

I'm screwed.
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