Jul 16, 2008 23:41
Well had to take the dog to the vet monday and today and has to go back on friday. So far she's cost me another 40 quid :( She was spayed the other week and was ok until she had her stitches out. Then she just swelled up in that area and monday the lump was purple, so took her to get looked at. She nearly had the vets face off when he gave her the second injection. She's had a shot of anitbiotics and antiinflamitary and has a course of antibiotics to take.
But yesterday the purple lump had burst and it was wide open. Took her this morning and they say nothing to worry about at the moment, it has bust and all the ad stuff has come out, but need to make sure that it heals ok. Got to go back friday for them to check it and if needs be stitch it.
In other news. I might become a nurse. Going to talk to some universities tomorrow and see what they say. Spoke with learn direct so i know some basics but just need to get the final details from the uni's. First thing my mum said when I told her was not, 'oh congrats' or anything like that it was "you get paid for it?". Well no, I'm going to leave myself without money for the next three years and live off dust. Honestly.