Well, That's Encouraging

Nov 18, 2018 08:18

Look at me, posting two weeks in a row. I'm on a roll. :)

I've finally worked up the nerve to start posting to my AO3 account. I've had it for a while now, but it's sat empty because I was nervous about the reaction. What if no one liked my stuff? What if the fandoms are so saturated with fics that mine got lost in the crowd? What if my LJ friends were just being really, really nice when they said they liked something? I guess this comes from the lack of response to that one Harry/Ron fic I anonymously wrote for a Christmas challenge - over 15,000 words, and only one person commented. Gotta admit, that was discouraging.

But then I told myself the only thing worse than a bad reaction was sitting here for another year not knowing if I'd get a better reaction if I posted to a wider audience, and AO3 would definitely increase my chances of people reading my fics. So I took two I've already written, the short Sam/Dean PWP I wrote for Wings and the Harry/Ron fic I just mentioned, and posted them yesterday.

Overnight, I have over 140 hits on each, with kudos on each in the double digits! The Harry/Ron has been bookmarked, and the Sam/Dean has a comment. YAY!

I have spent the last year working on this Steve Rogers/Clark Kent story, the longest fanfic I've ever written, but it doesn't look like there's a big audience for that crossover pairing. Still, with a reaction like this, maybe I'll give it a shot. :)

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