Well, That's Encouraging

Nov 18, 2018 08:18

Look at me, posting two weeks in a row. I'm on a roll ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

cuddyclothes November 18 2018, 17:12:57 UTC
Congratulations! This is a great response! All of those kudos and a bookmark? You can't compare your work to other people's. My long Jeeves/Wooster novel, "Jeeves And The Chorus Girl", has thousands of hits and tons of comments, but only 166 kudos. I tend to stress about it, which is stressing about very much about the wrong things. My SPN fics and House fics got a much lower response in all ways and it bothered me but I didn't stress in the same way about those fics.

I'm glad you're posting again. If you're on Tumblr, you should check out ao3 comment of the day. It's not an official AO3 blog, but many writers discuss issues and ask questions, either anonymously or not. It can be very reassuring.


kinkthatwinked November 18 2018, 22:47:50 UTC
I'm not on Tumblr, but that makes me wonder if I might join.

The longer fics do tend to stress us more, don't they, because we put so much more work into them. And you're right that writers shouldn't stress too much. Still, anyone can hit a 'like' button, but it takes investment to sit there and type up a feedback, so those "tons of comments" you received are very good indeed.


azewewish November 18 2018, 17:19:05 UTC
I will totally read your Steve/Clark fic (even though I am way more of a Bruce/Clark fan :D) - and, I think you'd be surprised at how popular that crossover actually is. :)


kinkthatwinked November 18 2018, 22:54:59 UTC
Yay, I have an interested reader! The fic is finished, I'm just trying to figure out if I should post chapter by chapter to draw people in, or post it all at once so they'll know it's completed.

Oh, Clark and Bruce definitely have an interesting dynamic, how they clash with and yet compliment each other. I can see how slashing them would be fun. Got any recs?

You know where I could find some other SuperCap fans? Even on AO3 there isn't very much, I've all but exhausted their collection already. Do tell!


dizzojay November 18 2018, 21:24:20 UTC
Good to hear from you, and I'm so glad your fics are going down well on AO3 :D


kinkthatwinked November 18 2018, 22:57:25 UTC
I'm glad to be back. I missed you guys, and I'm still kicking myself for staying gone so long.

The SPN one is up to 200 hits and 43 kudos! The HP one, 230 hits, 20 kudos, 4 bookmarks, and a request to add it to someone's collection! Wow! I know that sounds like bragging, but really I'm just flabbergasted!


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