Hello everyone!
I know I haven't been updating lately.
Many things happened...too many...
I have just done a tiny translation on some recent events. I miss translating and I will try to get at it again.
For now...just please take this. It is sad, but I wanted to share it.
About Isshi.
We are left in earnest perplexion on the sudden news of former Kagrra, member Isshi’s passing.
つい先月も新しいプロジェクトとして「鬼謌 ~癒ノ宵~」でアコースティックのワンマンライブを開催し、今月も16日の「妖怪談義」のゲストで出演してもらって、次回の「一志耳袋」の話をメールしたのが昨日。
Just during the last month he had been holding the accounstic live for his new project “Kika / Oni Uta~Yu no Yoi~” and this month on the 16th, he had participate as a guest in the “Ghost Readings”. The last e-mail about the next “Isshi Mimibukuro” came the day prior.
We have not yet realized this.
「一志 白水の怪談奇談」からの付き合いなので、かれこれ7年くらいになります。
It has been about seven years, because we have been doing these (projects) since “Isshi + Izumi’s Kaidan Kidan”.
For the 15-year anniversary CD, he also cotributed his song “Shirakuen”, and we had been going to Kagrra’s live and just talked about setting up a new event.
With all our heart we pray for his soul.
ロフトプラスワン 天野宇空
Loft Plus One Staff Tenno Uku
http://shinjukuloft.com/blog/lpo/archives/201107/25-2328.php ---
Lost Plus One was the last place I saw him. It was in April this year and for 4 hours or more, I just listened to him and others talk. They reflected upon Kagrra, history, showing the pictures of their first SHOXX appearance - the first cover shooting for Isshi (which included Sakito from Duel and Daishi from Psycho le Cemu...). It had been a great event. Isshi named Queen as one of his biggest musical influences, Mercury as someone he admired. He joked with MUCC's Tatsuro and MSI's seek. It had been a fabulous night. I had been looking forward to the next...
It was never meant to happen.
I still can't quite grasp it, but I just hope, with all my heart, that he did not die for nothing.
Everything Isshi has done had meaning.
I want to believe his death had meaning, too.
If not for us, at least for him.
There are no words, but "Thank your"...until here, and still, from here on.