Bleah Day

Oct 13, 2005 17:11

The day started far too early and far too grey, and involved almost missing my bus, due to leaving my lunch in the fridge. Sigh. Made it to work on time, but then had to sit through an interminable morning meeting. I don't mind manager John, but his meetings go on forEVER. Then I spent my morning playing with stickers, as regional managers and company CEOs and whatnot are visiting soon, so all the merch standards have to be perfect, and I had to make sure everything was stickered with the right stickers, in the right place on the books, and not crooked. And I learned today that we're not supposed to use the bilingual discount stickers anywhere except in the French section. So I had to replace a huge whack of those, too. And of course, there were the customers. Like the guy who asked me to find something, so I immediately went to look it up, and when I went back to tell him that I didn't think we had any but I could look around, he just snapped, "Don't bother," in the sort of way you would if someone had taken forever and you were tired of waiting. Which I totally hadn't. And there was a guy at the kiosk at one point, and I asked him if I could help him find anything. His response: "No, I'm just looking for a book." No fucking kidding. And guess what, dummy? If you tell me which one, I might be able to help you find it. Because you know that once you do, you're going to come looking for me, wanting to know how you know if we actually have it, and where would it be?

To the customers who asked me if I worked there while I was working: What makes you think such a thing? Is it the unflattering pants that no one would ever wear except to work? Was it the nametag? Was it the vest, clearly emblazoned with the Chapters logo? Or maybe it was the fact that I'm wielding a scanner and rearranging the books on the shelf. In any case, no, I do not work here. This is just my hobby.

To the customers who asked me if I worked there while I was on break: Why yes, I do. How smart of you to have seen through the clever ruse of those non-employees wearing vests and accosted my non-vest-wearing self instead.

To the guy who was staring at me while I knelt on the floor affixing stickers to a huge stack of books: Please don't. If you need something, please ask. If you don't, continue on your way. Staring at me is creepy.

Thank you, your friendly neighbourhood Customer Experience Representative

customers, rants, chapters, work

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