10th Short - [Action]

Nov 01, 2011 21:58

[Luceti was almost destroyed. Almost. It turned out to be just another prank by the Malnosso, or whatever, but for a while Oswald was convinced that his new home would be crushed by a creepy moon. Then, just like a cartoon short, it all ended and everything was reset to normal. But unlike a cartoon short, this story didn't have a happy ending. None ( Read more... )

poor papa, homesick

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Comments 318

[Action] notshadowfever November 1 2011, 23:34:46 UTC
[Oswald isn't the only one feeling that feeling of pointlessness. Eggman's been pretty down ever since being helpless against the Malnosso's kidnapping droids. He had his spark back briefly, but being able to do nothing against one measly moon has crushed his spirits again.

After going on a walk to think about his situation, Eggman will just stop on the bridge next to where Oswald is sitting and stand, looking down at the flowing water silently with a long face.]


[Action] kingofwaste November 2 2011, 09:47:02 UTC
[Oswald glances up at Eggman and his ears briefly perk in recognition, only to droop once more.]

Hey... It's you. [He remembers this guy from Luceti Land.]


[Action] notshadowfever November 2 2011, 12:18:42 UTC
[Eggman glances down at Osawald, wondering if that is who he thought it was.]

Ho ho. Indeed it is. You're that rabbit fellow from Luceti Land, aren't you?


[Action] kingofwaste November 2 2011, 15:45:40 UTC
It's Oswald. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. You're that... scientist guy, right?

[What was his name again... Something with food. Breadman? Milkman? Eggman?]


mush_monarch November 1 2011, 23:54:16 UTC
[Peach had a similar experience back home. When her and the others were at Sammer's Kingdom, it was devastated by one of Bleck's voids, and it certainly wasn't a pretty sight.

Just like the one that took place when the moon fell down on Luceti.

So, she certainly can relate to Oswald, and is good that she happens to be passing by the bridge where he is. She puts on a smile and walks up to him.]

Oh, hello Oswald. It's been a while.


kingofwaste November 2 2011, 09:49:50 UTC
[Aww, it's Oswald's favorite Luceti Princess! If she's smiling at him like that, he can't afford to look down himself. Still, when he smiles back, it's not entirely convincing.]

Hey, Princess! ... Good mornin'!


mush_monarch November 3 2011, 01:01:19 UTC
[Oh Oswald, Peach can perceive a 'fake' smile from MILES. But she isn't going to push him about it. At least not at first.]

Good morning to you too Oswald. What you doing here all by yourself? [She gets closer, crouching next to him.]


kingofwaste November 3 2011, 13:49:43 UTC
Oh, I'm just thinking, I guess. [He glances down at the river again, watching the water flow beneath his feet.]

That was a pretty disturbing week we had, huh? That creepy moon didn't get to you too much, did it?


consultmybooks November 2 2011, 00:06:15 UTC
[Giles never has met Oswald before. But he can recognize that beaten down look...some things are just universal...and the bridge is a nice place to rest. God, does he need a rest. The last few days have found him racing around when he's in no fit to race.

...sorry, Oswald, hope you don't mind someone else taking up a similar spot with a similar sort of look at the other end of the bridge.]


kingofwaste November 2 2011, 09:53:14 UTC
[Oswald doesn't mind at all! He stares down at the water for a while longer, before turning to face Giles with a mildly interested expression.]

Hey bub. It's been a rough couple o' days, huh?


consultmybooks November 2 2011, 13:35:12 UTC
[Giles looks around...

...stares for a second...

...and then just shrugs, and nods.]

I'm not sure there's ever been a Halloween that wasn't.


kingofwaste November 2 2011, 15:37:57 UTC
Ehh... Halloween is supposed to be a fun holiday! With trick or treatin' and pumpkin carving. Not creepy masks and moons crashin' into the village... Someone oughta teach those Malnosso about the real Halloween spirit!


skulljokelol November 2 2011, 01:55:12 UTC
[Now that Brook has been able to get out and about it again, it just so happens that he has to cross one of those bridges to get into town!]

Yohohoho! Good day to you, there!


1/2 kingofwaste November 2 2011, 09:57:46 UTC
[For a few seconds, Oswald only looks a bit irritated.]

What're you laughin' a-


2/2 kingofwaste November 2 2011, 09:58:10 UTC
[And then it gets through to him. His ears shoot upwards in shock and he's on his feet immediately.]

S-skeleton! [You'd think a cartoon character would be used to this, but in Oswald's world, skeletons usually mean trouble. The Mad Doctor had a whole bunch of 'm in his (haunted) house.]


skulljokelol November 2 2011, 10:07:51 UTC
[And you'd think Brook would be used to the idea that when people scream 'skeleton!' anywhere in his general vicinity, it's him they're talking about.

No such luck!]


[Oh no where? He jumps straight up in the air for a moment before settling, moving his head to and fro frantically in search of another skeleton.]


[Action] talontrot November 2 2011, 16:10:41 UTC
[Everybody's a little down after that fiasco. Even Kazooie. Because in the end, there was really nothing she could do. All her powers, all her abilities, all her Eggs - and everybody else's too, sometimes stuff that made hers look pretty sad in comparison - it all failed. There was nothing to show for it but failure.

So she empathizes with Oswald. And it means that, instead of sniping at him when he's down, she just flutters over to the bridge herself, landing on the edge of it with an almost delicate perch.]

... it's weird. Yesterday I thought we'd all had a game over.

[She half-smiles, though it's not exactly a very strong one.]

First time I ever heard of a moon coming to you instead of the other way around, though.


[Action] kingofwaste November 2 2011, 16:19:58 UTC
[Oswald glances up at her with a bit of a strained smile too. He knows she can sympathize- that she isn't used to losing so spectacularly either. Probably even more than Oswald himself.]

Yeah, no kiddin'... And what was with that face it was making?


[Action] talontrot November 2 2011, 17:46:25 UTC
Seems to me it was like some cow tried jumpin' over it one too many times or something.

[Kazooie shrugs a little, clearly unsettled. Definitely not used to losing spectacularly, and even more definitely not over the feeling of total, abject failure.]

I don't get it. We all came out fine 'n' stuff. But... but yesterday we couldn't do anything to make it stop. How come they fixed it at the last minute?

[Seriously, why?]


[Action] kingofwaste November 3 2011, 13:55:38 UTC
[Oswald's quiet for a moment. He's been wondering that too. Nobody could stop the moon itself, but... What if instead of stopping the moon, the village was protected from it?]

Maybe it's 'cause of my luck. I tried rubbing my feet over a few of the buildings to keep the village safe.


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