Time for an LJ Post

Aug 15, 2009 21:05

Hey there LJ... I've been feelin' the need to post the last few days and here I am sittin' down at last to do just that. There's a lot going on these days. Well, let me rephrase that... I haven't really been doing all that much but I have been thinking a lot so that counts a bit, right?

How about some good news? Well, after struggling with some red tape I finally was able to resolve the issue I was having with my unemployment checks (i.e. not getting a single one). I still marvel at it all. I was able to make do with severance and the bar gig but wow - if I didn't have that it would have been a nightmare. I know my family would have been there to help but I haven't had to lean on them in over a decade and I sure don't want to ever have to again. Anyhow, I was able to resolve the mix-up and once I was actually speaking in realtime, face to face with someone it was simple and actually pleasant to deal with!

Of course, I got it all resolved just in time for my next bit of good news. I'm now a fulltime bartender at Pecs. The powers that be decided to give me maverick1303's old shifts so now I'm working Sunday through Wednesday at the bar. This means no more Hole on Sundays (the bar) but it's a good schedule and the money is good too. Working 4 days a week is nothing to sneeze at either. It's odd having most of my evenings booked but there's something to be said for having days open that's for sure.

I had to cancel the trips I had planned. One to Chicago for Lollapalooza and one to New Orleans for Southern Decadence. Sort of a bummer but I just figured it'd be better to focus on my bar shifts and make some money. Being unemployed drained my finances and I want to get some money back in the bank. I do have a small trip to LA planned for the first part of September. I'm going to see one of Nine Inch Nails' last shows at the Fonda. I'm beyond excited for that. I feel like I really need to take a trip on my own though. I have to give credit to sluggobear for that of course. Have you ever had a person in your life who, how can I put this - turns on light switches for you with their own behavior? Mikey does that for me. I see him do these big things on his own and it makes me wonder why I've never done the same. So I think 2010 might just include a trip just for me. I like the idea of being a stranger somewhere.

I also am definitely going to be heading East at least once in 2010 in not before the end of the year. I want to hang in DC with Matt and I want to go to New York at some point too.

Back at home I've really gotten back into playing World of Warcraft. I'm trying to be moderate when it comes to the amount I play but it's easy to sit down and not get up until five hours have flown by. Even easier when Henry, Hadrian, Justin, JP, Robert, Zach, Ron, Travis, Jared, and a bunch of other folks all play on the same server as well. Henry and I have our accounts linked so we get insane XP when we play at the same time. I went up SIX levels today alone.

And as for me? Well, I'm good. I'm feeling a little unsettled these days but I know that comes from the bartending gig being my real job and the changes that come with it. But it also comes from things changing in my life. Friends that drift away or don't really make an effort to keep up with me. Watching folks you know go from not liking one another to full on hating each other. I get in this mode where I want to maintain my relationships but I want to respect my friendships. I've even thrown down some cold shoulders on a few folks and it feels so cowardly. I'd want an explanation if someone stopped interacting with me. So perhaps I'll man up and do just that. Ha, how's that for the obligatory obtuse portion of the LJ post?

Lastly, I went to SD ComicCon a while back and it was a blast. You can see photos from my adventure here.

San Diego Pride was also a wonderful weekend that included spending some solid quality time with a fella I really dig, Mr funkybearmartin. You can see photos from that weekend here.

Cheers folks

friends, emotions, work, figuring stuff out, wow, flickr, life, photos, comic-con, bartending, pride

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