Top Chef - Go Team Rainbow

Nov 13, 2008 14:43

I went over to PECs last night after doing Episode 004 of the 619Bearcast (which you should listen to because it's entertaining and we talk about iPhone apps that promise penise as well as geek speak about theme parks, and video games) to watch the first episode of Top Chef with maverick1303.  There was a good sized crowd on the patio for it and a lot of familiar faces and folks.  I sat down, had a beer and a shot and soon the show was off and running.  We were all there to see our San Diego (and Pecs bartender) pal, Richard S., kick some ass and take some names and let's just say he did kick ass - in his own way.

Spoilers Ahead

Ok - can we all agree that Richard fucking owned the show from his first line?  I mean, giving a shout out about Queens for all the Queens back home.  Adorable and perosnality to boot - each time he said something I just smiled.  It's just really damn cool to see someone you know really making it happen.  I think no matter how far he makes it Richard will be in the running as a fan favorite on personality alone.  And not to take away from him - but wow - facial hair beard guido guy?  HAWT.  Matt and I both agreed that the guy has to have a nice fat one.  He just has that vibe.

Show-wise - looks like a good mix of people.  You can already pick out at least six people who have zero chance of winning, which is good because Richard isn't one of those six.  You can also see who's going to be top 5 for sure (the guy who won last night really seems made to take control of the show talent-wise).

Richard's dish?  Well, he may have overcooked the lamb on the show but when he showed up at the bar at the end of the episode (he's not supposed to be there when it's playing contractually) he brought a tray of perfectly cooked sliders and other assorted yummy stuff for us all to chow down on.  Sooooo good!  I gave him a big hug, told him I was proud of him, and hugged him again.  Matt brought out a big gift bag for Rich that all the bartenders and staff had pitched in on.  Inside was a dinky $10 crock pot :-) and a big fat gift card for a high end resteraunt supply store.

All in all - a great night and an awesome start to my second favorite reality show.  If you're local, come out next week and join me on the patio for episode 2 as we continue to cheer Richard on!

top chef, friends, team rainbow

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