My Sister Doesn't Hate You

Nov 05, 2008 17:24

She's just of the mind where she thinks that religion and politics mix. She's a traditionalist. Her reality is set in stone. She see's what is right in her world and wants to keep that world intact. She's misguided and she's wrong but she does not hate you. My sister voted Yes on 8 and I love her. I'm doing my best to understand her in the hopes that at some point in her life she will take the same time to truly understand me and the ramifications of her actions and the benefits of living in a nation where we all share the same rights.

Friends, this is just one moment. One moment in a short lifetime. We will not fail. They can put up the highest walls, muddy the waters with fear and intolerance, stand by antiquated ideals and rationalizations... They can do all of that and it will not matter. Their ideals will fall to the wayside. Why? Because they are wrong. They are the dinosaurs. Their ideals are not their own but rather those that have been passed down and misinterpreted to where not even they can agree what their own truth is (or muster facts to back that truth up).

We are the truth and we are the future. Stay strong for us all.

And remember, my sister doesn't hate you. She's just wrong.

My sister (lower left) with well known and extremely gay men...

politics, prop 8, understanding, family

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