Who's the Man?

Nov 05, 2008 14:46

Thanks for the shout out Barack.  It meant a lot to us here in CA... We know you have our back...

As the Democratic nominee for President Elect, I am proud to join with and support the LGBT community in an effort to set our nation on a course that recognizes LGBT Americans with full equality under the law. That is why I support extending fully equal rights and benefits to same sex couples under both state and federal law. That is why I support repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, and the passage of laws to protect LGBT Americans from hate crimes and employment discrimination. And that is why I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution, and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of other states.

Barack Obama

politics, obama, things that are good, yes we can

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