Couple o' Things

Aug 28, 2007 14:59

 I have a "real" post coming later on...

A very happy birthday to Mr Sexy bullchef

hryguyinsd is actually in SD!  He came by the bar last night for a visit.  Nice to have him in town for a bit before he heads back to ATL to job hunt and hang with his hubby.

If you haven't seen this vid of the beauty contestant and her thoughts about why "U.S. Americans" can't find the USA on a map it's good for a sad chuckle.  At least she personally believes it...

And for fun here's one of my favorite videos - From 1994, it's called Lucas with the Lid Off.  Just found out today it was directed by Michael Gondry (that explains a bit!) of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind fame.

image Click to view

And to show that I'm still down with the kidz here's a link to the new(er) Kanye/Daft Punk single which I'm kinda digging but mostly because I like it whenever someone makes Daft Punk more interesting then their rather linear/repetitive (but enjoyable) approach.

And I almost forgot - it's's $10 T-Shirt sale... must... not... go... insane...

friends, birthdays, youtube, music videos, random

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