
Oct 17, 2006 02:40

The time change is coming and I'm not down with it.  I dig the cooler temps (good snugglin' weather) but this dark at 6pm crap I'm not a fan of.  I fell off the gym wagon a month ago after going for a short while so I might try to head back as it tends to help chase them Fall Back Blues away.

Tonight at the bar a hefty young black gal referred to barfing as "giving a refund" and doing a #2 as "making a deposit".

I got home to find an email from PECS (bar I work) that basically has assigned me to do two events in 2007.  I have to plan, organize, promote, and come up with an event and then run it.  I have no idea when or how this was decided but there it is.  On the plus side, I think I'll just throw a big ass bear party and invite all the SD and LA folks to come and drink booze for a worthwhile cause.  Anyone want to toss out ideas?  I'm thinking a Bears Not Bush rally where we raise money for the local democratic party.  Or maybe we could raise money to take Dancing With the Stars off the air and the bring Arrested Development back?  Maybe we could buy Uli a nice print dress, Jefferey a good slander attorney, Laura some birth control, and Michael some braces (oh wait, scratch that).

Ok - yeah, random post.  I know.  But it is 2:52am and the Donger need food.  Night!

life, the bar, random

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