Me, Bitter?

Feb 15, 2005 03:08

Okay, it's 3am and I've finished my shift at the bar and it's been an interesting day. I went to my "real" job this morning and as I walked towards the front door four men in their 50s/60s walked out in white and red suits (a barbershop quartet) and I got a sinking feeling in my stomach--it's Valentines day, shit!

I hate the idea that we have to define our love for another person by buying or making something for them on this particular day because greeting card companies say that we stink like monkey balls and will go to Hell if we don't. Of course, I realized that if I had someone in my life I'd be totally jazzed today and would have gone off making it as special as I could for the guy I was with.

But I'm not. I'm going on 6 years single now and it's odd because I just sort of figured I would have met someone by now--and by someone I mean someone who gets past a date or two--or a trip or two. I swear it's just become the total norm for a guy I visit or a person I go out with to find the love of their life after they've spent time with me. So guys, if you're reading this--they key to a fulfilling relationship is to go out with me first! (grin).

I know I'm being silly, but it just feels that way sometimes. I don't really mind being single. I enjoy having the freedom to go where I please and pretty much do what (and whom)I like. But I miss having someone around who truly understands me--or at least has the desire to. And I miss the excitement of being with someone who I really click with on a multitude of levels.

So as it has been for many other single bears today I'm going to give a deep sigh and move on...


Who knows what '05 will bring. And heck, I did get a certain phone call from a certain cuddly bear in LA today. So it's nice to know someone has me on their mind :)
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