Yesterday was Simon's 27th birthday and we went for a daytrip to London! The weather was gorgeous and we had an awesome time.
We went on the
Duck Tour which is a tour of central London on a Duck - a vehicle that is a cross between a truck and a boat, and literally drives into the Thames part-way through the tour! It was SO COOL, and it was great to see lots of the sights and be able to put names to them (not knowing London much at all myself i always hear all sorts of names of things there and don't have a mental picture to put to them).
And then we went to
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum which was also really cool and random. It's not every day that you see a two-headed sheep, a perfectly proportioned model of the Titanic made of matchsticks, Marilyn Monroes makeup case or shrunken heads.
We walked around a bit, saw a lot of pro- and anti-Gaddaffi protestors, went to Covent Garden and went to Gourmet Burger Kitchen for dinner.
The Duck!
On the tour.
On the Thames!
A crystal-studded car!
Me and a waxwork.
Now i'm home and it's back to normal life again *sigh*. I am feeling so stressed with the benefits woe and the prospect of starting the whole pacing/GED thing. I'm overwhelmed by it all. Don't even know where to start on the pacing/GED thing, and the benefits thing fills me with fear. Why did both of these big things come at once?!
My mental health is obviously having a wobble. Anxiety attacks, teary, down, tired, no appetite. Trying to hold it all together.
I skim-read the Daily Fail this morning over my morning tea. EUGH. Richard Littlejohn has got to be one of the most hideous cretins ever. His article today was sickening. A shortened version: we should have no sympathy for the Japanese because of war crimes some of them committed in WWII*. Besides, Japan is a rich country so they'll sort themselves out, and they're rather foreign and weird too. Our sympathy for them is a "ghastly cult". I doubt that Japan had a silent tribute for us during the London bombings in 2005**. On another note - us bombing Gaddiffi's troops? I'm not sure this is a good idea because the rebels we're supporting might be Muslim nutjobs***. And while i'm on the subject of Muslims - i think Eastenders is rather innaccurate because in real life East London**** the church hall would now be a mosque, home to poppy-burning Bin Laden wannabes, and every female character would be forced to wear a burka.
I actually feel sick.
* Reckon he would say the same if Germany suffered a huge natural disaster? Or us for that matter, considering the UK has treated so many other countries like shit for hundreds of years.
** Not exactly comparable! Don't think he realises that the devastation in Japan is SO huge.
*** I don't even know WHAT to say...
**** ....coming from someone who lives in a gated mansion in Florida...