Mar 19, 2011 21:07
Just as i predicted - no DLA for Josie.
They based the decision on my ESA medical from autumn 2009.... that same medical that scored me 0 points leading me to lose my ESA and need to go to appeal. Now i'm going to have two appeals going at once.
The letter was hideous in its wording. "You do not have difficulty with anxiety and panic attacks", "you are not in danger of harming yourself", "you do not have difficulty with dizzyness and fainting".... seriously, WTF?!?!! Even if they don't believe me it's not exactly hard to contact all the medics in my form to see if it's true....surely?! But no. The whole tone of the letter is like a massive accusation of lying. It makes me feel sick. I go through life doing everything right, trying to be perfect, be a Good Girl, try my hardest at everything... and then i just end up being treated like shit.
So i've got £26 a week to live off for the forseeable future. Any idea how you're meant to have any kindof life on that?
What the fuck is the point?