(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 12:12

I've just had an appointment at the ME clinic. I've got information overload!
So that i don't get too confused, this is roughly what i've got to do in the next month:
- keep an activity/rest/sleep diary
- balance out my activities so that i don't have Good Days and Bad Days - have a consistent amount of activity and rest each day
- start out with a lot of rest (even if i don't feel like i need it) and little activity - how i would behave on a Bad Day, and then i can gradually build up the activity
- gradually cut down the amount of day-sleeping i do by setting an alarm clock
- alternate between cognitive and physical activities
- take short rests between activities where i do nothing
- change activities regularly, and change my bodies position

Words cannot express how much i dislike self-help worksheets. EUGH EUGH EUGH. They have a way of being both patronising and confusing at the same time (how, i don't know), they always have a bad use of clip-art (seriously, does anyone outside the NHS still use clip-art nowadays?!), and are so very tedious. I guess it's just worksheet-fatigue - 7 years in the mental health system does bring a lot of worksheets...

health, me

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