Happy birthday
I have a place to live! I'm moving into Dana's apartment in Astoria. It's off the Ditmars stop. (For those who've been to the Waltz-Astoria, it's in the opposite direction from the train when you go down Ditmars. Beautiful place, nice neighborhood. Dana will be leaving most of her furniture, which will make things a little awkward at first.
My writeup of the 21-hour play festival over on The Fab Marquee! Planet Connections is now accepting applications for next year's festival. Glory asked me for some photos from my previous Spotlight On productions to include on the website. I sent her to my website and told her to take whatever she liked. They seem to have chosen one of
jayspec's photos of
ceebeegee from the MITF Prince Trevor for a prominent place on the main page.
Not sure if that's quite cricket. If either of you are upset about it, let me know.
Meeting with the director of Ore, or Or this Wednesday. Going for Thai food. Seems like she's interested in using the actors I've suggested (though it just occurred to me that
ceebeegee will most likely be unavailable due to Christmas Carol).
Doing Small Pond's Hold for the Laughs again, later that night. Tickets are going fast, if anyone wants to see standup comedy. The more people who come to see me, the more chances I have to win the $$$ for Cross-Eyed Bear Productions!
Saw Summer and Smoke with
ceebeegee on Friday. Boomerang does good work. Review later.
Then American Buffalo on Broadway, thanks to
carasol on Saturday. Great actors. Incredible set. Script is still all style and not much substance.