Prince Trevor chugging along. Opening Wednesday. Hyperventilating.
My phone is out of service, possibly till this weekend. E-mail me if you need to be in contact.
Day off from show tonight. Good.
Am severly underfunded (what with producing a show and all), so will be going nowhere but home (and to Home Despot to return my spray paint).
Rehearsal mellow yesterday. Eric and
kellygirlnyc both out (Zoo work will do that to your weekends), and
ceebeegee had to leave an hour early, so I was doing all their voices while attempting to do sound as well.
Cut the song in Act II- it's just so ancillary to the plot, and the play is still a little too long.
adam22772's music was lovely, and Chris and
kellygirlnyc were doing a great job, but it had to go.
Last night after rehearsal went to Taco Bell with Patricia - she bought me tacos! Yay!
Strange homeless woman came in as we were eating. She came up to our table, and giggled as she pointed to one of Patricia's burritos. Patricia gave it to her, then went to buy another burrito for herself.
Nearly forgot I was going up to Inwood afterward - thank goodness I missed a downtown train that I would automatically have jumped on, out of habit, before my brain kicked in. The A Train That Sucks did indeed suck - no trains after 96th St, and then I got on the wrong shuttle bus, which dropped me at Fort Tyron park, and I ended up walking the 10 extra blocks up. Argh. Did see Gabe from Marie's on the bus, though - that was odd. He's pretty.
I think when I live up there, I'll be taking the 1 train a lot at night.
Finally got to
actress_in_nyc's (and soon to be my co-) place, where she gave me keys and I helped her move the table and bookshelf out of what will be my room. I'm planning to move on the 27th- I'm hoping to get movers if I can afford it. *fingers crossed*
Slept the entire subway ride back to Brooklyn. Got home, made dinner, and watched
The Dying Gaul. It's one of my favorite plays (though I've not seen a production of it). Seeing it adapted to movie form was instructive. Think it works better in some ways; it's more open and real when you can see the opulence and the children. Extra fleshing out of the characters was great. Weird that Dr. Foss is a woman in the movie, but I guess without needing an extra male actor onstage, it doesn't matter. Liked the brief scene she was in.
Watched the alternate ending on the DVD, and liked it better than the rather abrupt "real" ending. The alternate has some of the ending lines from the play, and was probably scrapped for being too theatrical for film, though I think such a raw piece needs a softer ending.
Peter Sarsgaard continues to be one of the most attractive men on film. Patricia Clarkson was great- the way she played the character reminded me a bit of Susan Barnes Walker.