Daily Update: Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 29, 2010 05:01

News and Information

- Update Frequency: Your admin regrets to inform you that updates will be much more sporadic than they have been during the past few months.  Unfortunately, we currently have a lot going on in our RLs, and this will likely reflect in how often we update. This doesn't mean to stop checking for updates!  We'll do our best to continue providing our services, but we would like you to be aware of our limitations.

- Layout: I'm sure you noticed the changes hetalia_kindex  's layout.  It is currently a work-in-progress, so don't be surprised if you see more differences.  As to when it will be completed, we can't exactly say.  Again, this is partly due to our RLs. Fiddling with coding is also always difficult. kindex_daily may be getting a new layout as well.

- Applying for Staff:  We are currently accepting applications for helper positions! If you'd like to join us in this massive project, please check out the page and fill out the form!

- Not Staff, but Want to Help?:  Even if you don't choose to apply, you can still help us in making our indexes even more up-to-date and complete!
►   De-anoning!! : You don't have to be the artist or author to de-anon!  If you know that a fic or piece of art that is currently in our index has been de-anoned on any Hetalia-related comm, you can inform us!  That way we can edit our entries and give these authors and artists their rightfully deserved credit.
►   Report a Continuation! :  Have we indexed a fill and haven't included its continuation in the Past Parts Filled pages?  If you know the link to those continuations, tell us!  We'll definitely add this information to our records.
►  Found an error? : Then correct us!  We're not scary. We'd love it if you correct our mistakes, so that our records are precise and helpful.
►   Just comment! : Though we are an index, hetalia_kindex is a community for a reason!  Feel free to leave a comment or review on any of our fills, or open a discussion!  All we ask is that you be polite and civil.  Otherwise, have fun!
- Have something to ask, or need to speak with the staff? Maybe a suggestion or idea?  Then feel free to contact us!  Either an admin or a staffer will quickly get back to you.

Staff Recommendations (finally)

- ★ - [part eight: fill] I Like My Coffee Bitter and Frozen Solid [Denmark->Norway] -- Denmark nearly kills himself to declare his love for Norway. Norway is having none of it.
Staffer's Review: I love this take on Norway, because as much as I ship them, it seems more accurate to me to have Norway be far more independent, and angry, than he is portrayed in much of canon. This is just a fantastic fill - you understand where both of them are, and you feel both of them, and you feel the inevitability of the ending.

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Untitled [France/Germany] -- France's bedside manner is not reassuring.
Staffer's Review: The expressions are the really killers in this picture. Germany's skepticism is palpable, but really, how can you not trust France when he's smiling and sparkling like that? (...Don't answer that.)

- ★ - [part eight: fill] The "Buggre Alle This" Bible [England] -- England is a typesetter with unlikeable bosses and a very kind bookseller living down the way.
Staffer's Review: This staffer has leafed through her copy of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens too many times to count, so this fill brought a real smile to her face. This crossover was elegantly done, seamlessly bringing together both Hetalia and Good Omens while preserving the irreverence of both, resulting in one very outstanding fill. You won't be skimming through this (unlike most people do with Ezekiel...you know who you are).

- ★★★ - [part eight: fill] My lady wreathed in smoke [England/fem!France] -- Though they're sealing an alliance, this doesn't that France won't find numerous ways to taunt and tease England.
Staffer's Review: So hot, and so in character. Fem!France is as seductive and airy as smoke, and England's gentleman facade certainly couldn't hold out. This fill is beautifully written in all respects, from the banter straight down to the sex.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Patriotism For Nations [Australia, OC!Australian states] -- They're all different and unique, but Australia loves them all the more for that.

- [part eight: fill] That Fucking Miniskirt [Russia/fem!America, ensemble] -- Russia is likely to kill someone before the end of this meeting. Or screw America into the desk. Whichever comes first.

- [part eight: fill] The Dark Knight [America, Russia, Sealand, Canada, England] -- Somehow this incarnation of the Batman series is far from dark and action-packed.

- [part eight: fill] CAR EARS [Canada, ensemble] -- Canada's the center of attention for once, because of his new fashion accessory.

- [part eight: fill] My Monster [America, England, Germany, North Italy, Russia, France, ensemble] -- They blame America for their problems, and only England realizes that he has created a monster.

- [part eight: fill] Head of Household [Ukraine, Belarus, Russia] -- Though her heart hurts, and her siblings need her, she somehow finds the strength to move on.

- [part eight: fill] America for President [America, England, Canada, Russia, China] -- Sick and tired of political parties, America takes matters into his own hands and runs for president.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [ Sweden/Norway, Estonia/Finland] -- Warmth can be found in the cold of winter.

- [part eight: fill] I May Have Gotten A Little Carried Away [America, England] -- American offers England some of his cuisine. There's a lot of it.

- [part eight: fill] Skipped Over [America/Canada, ensemble] -- It's painful to always be skipped over by the one you love. But Canada finally manages to get America's attention.

- [part eight: fill] KaliningradPrussia [Kaliningrad (Prussia), Russia] -- Prussia - no, Kaliningrad - dreams of a future of war and glory for Prussia. No, Russia.

- [part eight: fill] A Gamer's Romantic Wet Dream... Or Nightmare [Greece/Japan] -- He must be dreaming that he's in a dating sim. So, why not go along with it?

- [part eight: fill] Happy Father's Day [Denmark, ensemble] -- It's a Father's Day family gathering. And thank goodness Daddy Denmark is around to keep order.

- [part eight: fill] Aniki, lets get MARRIED MARRIED MARRIED MARRIED [Korea->China] -- Things aren't looking good for China. Not only has Korea caught him, Belarus is also here...

- [part eight: fill] Null [Korea] -- He doesn't care about himself. But if there is a God, let his people live and never experience war and pain again.

- [part eight: fill] Firmament [England] -- England had lost faith years ago. But there's no else to turn to.

- [part eight: fill] 13th September, 1808 [Sweden/Finland] -- Sweden goes to pray: because he can't bear lose them, and he can't bear to lose Finland.

- [part eight: fill] Mo gra Thu, Dia [OC!Ireland] -- Once, long ago, He was an outcast in her lands. Now, she asks him to save her own outcasts, who believe in Him.

- [part eight: fill] God Help My Children [Austria] -- Austria cannot not do much for them now, but he can pray.

- [part eight: fill] Shift [Russia/America] -- Things have changed. Though they aren't as close friends as they once were, America still worries about Russia.

- [part eight: fill] One Hundred and One things Peter Kirkland is not allowed to do [Sealand] -- Sweden and Finland are being stern this time around, with a list detailing what Sealand isn't allowed to do.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Canada/Ukraine, America, Russia, England, Belarus, OC] -- The couple whose baby is being born are the normal ones. There relatives are a different matter entirely.

- [part eight: fill] Duality [America, Canada, England] -- They are thought to be two separate entities, when they share one soul.

- [part eight: fill] More Than Just the Sniffles [America, England] -- All America wants is to spend some time with England. Pretending to be sick might just get the attention he craves.

- [part eight: fill] Of Rice Cakes and Flowers [Hanatamago/Mochimerica, America, Sweden/Finland] -- Sweden and Finland have some beef with America over his blobthing's affections towards their dog.

- [part eight: fill] Speaking His Mind [Sweden/Finland] -- Now that he's cooled off, Finland realizes he went a bit too far when he lost his temper, and he really ought to go apologize.

- [part eight: fill] More Than Meets the Eye [America, Transformers] -- He thinks he's adjusting to this human planet, but then this strange young man comes along...

- [part eight: fill] In the Name of Colbert [America, Stephen Colbert, ensemble] -- People aren't supposed to turn into countries, but the unprecedented nature of this event is somewhat undermined by America being an unrepentant fanboy.

- [part eight: fill] Promise of a far-away day [France, England, Norway, Denmark] -- France saves England from some Viking bullies.

- [part eight: fill] Cheer War! [fem!Axis, fem!Allies] -- Both teams are training for the championships next week. It's going as well as expected.

- [part eight: fill] Give us plenty, give us peace [England, Australia, OC!New Zealand] -- England is having a bad time of it, but needs to go after Australia's and New Zealand's companion animals.

- [part eight: fill] What's in a name? [America, OC New World Nations] -- America defends his use of "American" as his demonym to the other American - that is, North and South American - Nations.

- [part eight: fill] A little mad [Russia/Canada] -- Canada said something unwise regarding Russia's diplomat and needs to apologize.

- [part eight: fill] Canadian summer [Russia/Canada] -- Canada and Russia enjoy their ice cream, and Canada is very daring in his efforts to show his affection.

- [part eight: fill] In which America has a cat and hasn't [...] [America, England, ensemble] -- America disrupts the meeting in a novel way.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Secret Endeavors [America/OC!Iran] -- Iran is torn between loving and hating him, between wanting to get close and wanting to pull away.

- [part eight: fill] 62 Rules in Case of an Inebriated England [England] -- A drunk England must be handled carefully.

- [part eight: fill] Like, Totally Manry [Lithuania/Poland, Prussia/Canada, Russia/America, ensemble] -- Prussia, Russia, and Lithuania were supposed to fetch Canada, America, and Poland for the annual World Disco Bowling Competition. What they find is the manriest sleepover, like, ever, in progress.

- [part eight: fill] If You Need to Crash [France/America] -- France is shocked to find America so overworked, stressed, and strung out. He won't let this go on.

- [part eight: fill] Born To Contend With Man [fem!England, ensemble] -- England asks her fellow female nations for help with being feminine. This causes an international sensation, and that's not counting the shopping spree.

- [part eight: fill] The Wind From The West [Kaliningrad (Prussia), ensemble] -- He hates the song he hears carried on the West's wind. But once he lets go - of being Prussia, of being Gilbert, of not leaving - it no longer troubles him.

- [part eight: fill] Virginia's Closet Cleaning [OC!Virginia, America, other US states] -- Old memories are brought up when Virginia decides to do her own closet cleaning.

- [part eight: fill] In God's Name [Denmark] -- The two contenders believe in the same God, right? Then why is He letting them tear him apart, letting his people die, and allowing Sweden raze his lands?

- [part eight: fill] Deliverance [Poland] -- After years of faith, Poland still turns to God, one of the few things left to him in this endless horror.

- [part eight: fill] Noah's Ark [OC!Armenia] -- Battered, broken, and violated, Armenia pleads to the One who may not have turned a blind eye to the suffering of her people.

- [part eight: fill] Hourglass [England/America] -- Which should England believe, the happy America in his bed or the suffering America in his dreams?

- [part eight: fill] Puppet [England/America, Canada] -- They're in love and they're happy this way. That is the way it needs to be, no matter what.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [OC!Detroit, OC!Chicago] -- Moments of Detroit, who has fallen long and hard.

- [part eight: fill] If Everyone Stuck Their Head In An Oven, Would You? [Australia, England] -- Australia only exists because of America, but he looks up to England all the same.

- [part eight: fill] elevator phobia [America/Canada, England] -- Victims of a power outage while riding an elevator, America decides to calm Canada down in a particularly distracting way.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Russia, Ukraine/Belarus] -- A stream-of-consciousness monologue of what Russia is really thinking about during meetings.

- [part eight: fill] Painting on a Blank Canvas [America/England, Russia, ensemble] -- Nobody quite knows what happened, but they know the effects, and that America is trying to clean it up. And maybe remake things "better."

- [part eight: fill] Dog House [Sweden/Finland] -- Finland doesn't know why Sweden's mad at him and not touching him, but he's determined to offer Sweden a temptation he can't ignore.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Canada/England] -- Canada wants to find out who England's been sneaking around to see.

- [part eight: fill] Hey Babe…You and Me ain’t Nothin but Nations [OC!Andorra, America, ensemble] -- America's attempts to get his aid money back are treated with derision.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Korea, Japan] -- Japan finally loses his patience about Korea groping him.

- [part eight: fill] When Gossip Goes Too Far [Greece/Japan, ensemble] -- Nobody believes that Japan is telling the truth about this; they'd all prefer to believe the more perverted explanation.

- [part eight: fill] Centuries to build, seconds to destroy [Taiwan, Japan] -- In the house of the Empire of Japan, Taiwan breaks a vase.

- [part eight: fill] The Huntsman and the Wolf [Russia/America, Canada] -- A trek through the woods becomes less than innocent when one brother takes a dare to stay in the woods overnight.

- [part eight: fill] If there is a Hell [Russia/Prussia, Baltics, Germany] -- The transformation in Russia's house, now that Prussia (they call him Kaliningrad, now) has come.

- [part eight: fill] Thanksgiving Memories [America/England, Canada, France] -- Thanksgiving dinner is never easy, nor peaceful, with this family.

- [part eight: fill] Feeling Like Poop [America, England] -- America is bad at following directions like "don't go out in the rain in your nightshirt; you'll get sick." Both he, and England, suffer the consequences.

- [part eight: fill] Alliance of Convenience [Russia/China] -- Sleeping together is certainly not better than sleeping alone.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Spain, ensemble] -- Spain, too, is quite adept at being banned from doing things.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Latvia, Canada/France, America/??] -- He doesn't like doing what's necessary, but this is going to be a worse night than usual.

- [part eight: fill] Alpha [Canada/America, Russia/America] -- Canada doesn't react well at all to hearing that America and Russia are going to get married.

- [part eight: fill] Drinking with You [Sweden/Finland, ensemble] -- Berwald is a very shy employee at a coffee shop who is quite smitten with one of the customers.

- [part eight: fill] Unwound Threads [France, Korea] -- Clothes make the man: a dry cleaner can tell a lot about a person.

- [part eight: fill] What did you just say? [Korea, North Italy, South Italy] -- Korea declares the invention of pasta in front of the wrong people.

- [part eight: fill] Wahoonie Shaped [England/India/Portugal] -- India meets Portugal's "wife" and is a bit smitten. It doesn't get better, even as the world changes and power shifts.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [England, human OCs] -- Pete doesn't think much of this posh guy and his attitude.

- [part eight: fill] An evening by the Hearth [Denmark/Norway, England, several OCs?] -- England lives through storytime with Norway and Denmark.

- [part eight: fill] Very First Time [England/America] -- America comes to England for advice, which develops into more than that.

- [part eight: fill] Ten Thousand Stitches Crossed [America/England, France] -- America realizes that by ruining his clothes he can repair - and deepen - his relationship with England.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Lucky [Sweden/Finland] -- The injured rabbit is caught by a kind yet cruel wolf.

- [part eight: fill] Ontario [Russia/France, England, America, Canada, ensemble] -- Russia and France make the most of the last secret moments they have together during the final G8 meeting.

- [part eight: fill] Tea and Reading the Atmosphere [Japan/England] -- It's nice to have an ally who understands the importance of rituals. With tea, anyway.

- [part eight: fill] Troubled [Russia/Lithuania] -- Walking the streets alone at night is dangerous for Lithuania, but it's only Russia.

- [part eight: fill] Poker face [Russia/America] -- Russia dares America to play Russian Roulette for some very interesting stakes indeed.

- [part eight: fill] That's for us to decide [America/England, ensemble] -- America doesn't react well to England breaking up with him.

- [part eight: fill] I'm the Only One [Canada/America] -- America's far from perfect. Fortunately, Canada knows how to criticise him so it'll stick. Especially in bed.

- [part eight: fill] Minutes to Midnight [Russia/England] -- There's no time for gentleness between them, as much as they want it.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Prussia/England] -- The body is the body; the mind is another thing entirely. The sun never sets. The sun. Never. Sets.

- [part eight: fill] Constraints [Josef Stalin/Russia, America/Russia, ensemble] -- The rule of their existence: a Nation cannot harm his or her people. Russia suffers, and few believe him.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [North Italy/Belgium] -- Belgium thinks North Italy is really special; in the course of a date night, he proves it, out of bed and in it.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Finland] -- Cat!Finland reaches out.

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Finland] -- Cat!Finland is already naked and waiting. Dog!Sweden just may be a tad distracted.

De-anoned Fills

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Snowball Fights Are Great Until Knives Are Included [America, Belarus] by loveanime18 -- When America decides to have a snowball fight, he soon realizes that Belarus might not have been the best person to randomly select.

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Transaction [Canada/America] by frostberryjam  -- Canada has something that America wants. In this case it‘s not oil but a Monopoly piece. (author's summary)

- ★★★ - [part eight: fill] Endlessly [Lithuania/Poland, ensemble] by mase992 -- So when he looked at himself in the mirror, Poland was not ashamed to grab the makeup and cover up the unworthy wounds. (author's summary)


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update, staff recommendations announcements, 2010 / 08 - august 2010

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