[part eight: fill] The "Buggre Alle This" Bible [England]

Aug 19, 2010 18:03

Title: The "Buggre Alle This" Bible
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: England
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: I want to see a country (England preferred) getting drunk off his ass while working a printing press and ending up printing something...a little different from what he originally intended. I don't care if it's a dirty joke or a rant about one of his fellow countries, as long as it's something stupid that he'll regret typesetting once he sobers up.

Notes: Crossover with Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens.

Summary: England is a typesetter with unlikeable bosses and a very kind bookseller living down the way.

d:crossover - books/plays, o:fictional character, f: ★, d:no pairing, a:staff recommendation, d:religion, k:alcohol, c:england, f:part 08

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