[part eight: fill] Smile [Germany, North Italy, ensemble]

Aug 19, 2010 18:07

Title: Smile
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Germany, North Italy, ensemble
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: I don't care how or why but Italy is transformed back into chibitalia and Germany and company must deal with taking care of him until he's transformed back. No shota please though Italy and Germany can be together as a couple pre-transformation if you want, though it's totally not necessary. It's up to you if Italy retains his grown-up memories or not. Also feel free to tackle or ignore the whole HRE does or does not equal Germany issue. I'd prefer cute silliness to anything too serious if given the choice.
I'd prefer a modern setting to WW2 era but either/or is fine.

Bonus: Confusion from Germany as to just why Italy is dressed as a girl.
Bonus #2: Prussia pops up and there's a literal tug of war between him and Germany over who gets to take care of Italy, prompting Austria to send them to separate corners/rooms while he's left the task of calming Italy down (preferably with music).

Summary: North Italy had a strange dream last night and woke up in a child's body, though with his mind intact. Germany is now tasked with turning him back.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Request Inspiration: Official art by Himaruya -- Germany holding up Chibitalia (1 star)

c:north italy, f: ★, c:prussia, d:no pairing, g:ensemble, c:south italy, d:de-aging, c:germany, f:part 08, c:chibitalia

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