Daily Update: Friday, August 20, 2010

Aug 20, 2010 02:46

News and Information

And that's our major update! Staff Recommendations will be here later today.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] And a Merry Christmas to You All [extended Axis] -- Christmas dinner preparations, with family and friends.

- [part eight: fill] Ash [Poland, Germany] -- Poland feels his city being destroyed.

- [part eight: fill] The Bargain [Prussia, Stoffel von Spitzberg] -- Prussia calls up a demon to help him protect his brother; over the years, he continues to find that demons aren't much help.

- [part eight: fill] Zion [Prussia, OC!nation, Neo] -- An explanation of the matrices within the Matrix, from ones who would know.

- [part eight: fill] Remembrance Of What Was Never Known [Sealand, OC!UK county] -- Sealand sneaks into England's house, only to find that England is not his only blood sibling.

- [part eight: fill] Hepetarchy [OC!UK Counties, England] -- The gradual discovery of England, by those who came before him.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Prussia, Death] -- Prussia is excited by how his awesomeness thwarts even Death.

- [part eight: fill] Gilbert's Awesome Comedy [God, a fallen angel] -- The former nation of Prussia is a metaphorical thorn in God's equally metaphorical foot. (from author)

- [part eight: fill] Rubber Duckie Armada [ensemble] -- A reenactment of the Spanish Armada is not going well, if only because the armada seems to be rubber duckies and the enactors are, well, drunk.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Five Days of Winter [Sweden/Norway, other Nordics] -- On gifts, and coming to love both Sweden and himself.

- [part eight: fill] Milou [England/Belgium] -- It's not about love; it's about mourning together.

- [part eight: fill] The End [Prussia, Germany, ensemble] -- One country: one Nation. That's how it's always been before.

- [part eight: fill] Homeward Bound [Russia/America] -- In the future, among the stars, grieving for those left behind.

- [part eight: fill] Hunted [America/England] -- No matter how he runs, he's still owned.

- [part eight: fill] The Prologue [America, England] -- He wakes to a gun in his face.

- [part eight: fill] His name was Alfred [America, England] -- Having a scary night, he calls England, who starts telling him stories that don't improve things...

- [part eight: fill] The Guilty Ones [ensemble] -- The rules say "no touching;" their desires say otherwise.

- [part eight: fill] Those can't possibly be what I think they are... [Germany/fem!North Italy] -- Germany discovers a new reason to be horrified by North Italy crawling into his bed.

- [part eight: fill] Lighting the fuse may result in a bang [Prussia/South Italy] -- Old lovers have a way of coming back and interfering with new relationships.

- [part eight: fill] Delayed Reasoning [Belarus/South Italy] -- South Italy runs from Spain into the wrong - or maybe the right - house.

- [part eight: fill] Unseen Killer [Canada, ensemble] -- Unremarkable, often-confused-with-his-brother Matthew Williams finds a way to change the world.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America/Russia, Canada, England] -- What happens after the first flush of victory, and the first shock of defeat.

- [part eight: fill] 101 Reasons Why Prussia Is Not Allowed At Meetings [Prussia, ensemble] -- Prussia, like America, is now banned from most things at meetings. Including, entirely possibly, attending them.

- [part eight: fill] Paint Me a Pretty Picture [South Italy/Spain] -- It may not be as good as his brother's, but it seems to please Spain plenty.

- [part eight: fill] The Little Things [Greece/Japan] -- Their time together, subtle and beautiful, over the seasons.

- [part eight: fill] Let's Sleep Together Like When We Were Younger [America/Canada, England] -- A bad day should be cured with a nap and pancakes. America just does these things naked.

- [part eight: fill] The Many Things Denmark Is Not Allowed To Do [Denmark/Norway, ensemble] -- Denmark, like America, seems to have amassed quite a list of things he isn't allowed to do. Most are related to his history of terrorizing everyone.

- [part eight: fill] The Many Things Prussia is Not Allowed to do on the Kink Meme [Prussia, ensemble] -- With the invention of the Kink Meme, Prussia has found new and amusing ways to be banned from doing things.

- [part eight: fill] My Brother's Will [Canada, human OCs] -- The will is explicit about how things are to be divided; what it does not specify is what Canada must do after the division.

- [part eight: fill] American Daddy [America/assorted] -- The goal, this time, is to find a good father, not just get it over with. America does so.

- [part eight: fill] America's Next Baby Daddy! [America/Russia] -- America, like Santa, is making a list and checking it twice. But this time, the present is his own child.

- [part eight: fill] No True Scotsman! [Scotland, England, ensemble] -- England just can't keep himself from taunting his brother. This backfires spectacularly.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Nothing Hurts Like... [England/France] -- An evening of consensual BDSM.

- [part eight: fill] Agreements [fem!England/Australia/Canada/America/New Zealand] -- She refuses to choose; they are all beloved to her.

- [part eight: fill] Delectatio Morosa [Spain/South Italy, Germany/North Italy] -- The act is an act, but there's moments of truth to it, too. Even if Lovino wishes there weren't.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Greece/Japan] -- Christmas, and joy in cats.

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Germany/fem!North Italy] -- A little Christmas outfit cheer.

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [fem!America/fem!Canada/France] -- America and Canada are somehow transformed into women. France approves!

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Latvia, Russia/America] -- Russia searches in a very unfortunate place for his hat.

De-anoned Fills

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Jillian [China/America] by salmagundi_fic -- He shouldn't desire America, but he does, despite himself.

- ★★★ - [part eight: fill] Invasion [Russia/America, Canada/Ukraine] by saemi_mitsuwa  -- Alfred struggles to find solace after civilization crumbles in a post-apocalyptic world. My take on the classic “Aliens invade planet earth” set up. (summary supplied by author)


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Thank you for following us!  We hope we can continue to satisfy your kink meme needs.

update, 2010 / 08 - august 2010

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