Daily Update: Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jul 18, 2010 17:36

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] What's Wrong With Me? [Russia, China] -- Russia wants to know why he's crazy and no one else, including China, is. China's answer is not what he expects.

- [part seven: fill] Would you like fries with that? [America/Ukraine] -- America "supersizes" his order. Not only is he getting cheeseburgers, fries, some cokes and a chicken sandwich, he's also getting a date with the cute cashier.

- [part seven: fill] Mon Cheri, You Break My Heart! [France, America] -- America thinks this is amazing and convenient. France thinks this is a catastrophe.

- [part seven: fill] Just a dream [America, England] -- In 1690, England is certain that America's strange dream was just that: only a dream, and not very important. In the 1940s, in the thick of World War II, he knows better.

- [part seven: fill] Unchained Fire [France, OC] -- France rescues a child from the rubble of one of his razed cities.

- [part seven: fill] Well, It Worked in the Movies [Russia/America] -- “Ivan Braginski, I love you and I WILL marry you.” Please note that this is America, not Belarus, saying this. And he means it. He'll win over Russia, with Hollywood as his guide!

- [part seven: fill] Ebb and Flow [America] -- Even in disaster, he can find hope that they will all pull through somehow.

- [part seven: fill] How To Deal With Your (prospective) Brother-In-Law [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] -- Liechtenstein thought she was being careful.  But her choice of hair ribbon gives her away.

- [part seven: fill] Chopsticks [Austria/OC] -- Austria is so wound up about the product of his affair that it even affects his piano-playing.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [America/England, ensemble] -- England vehemently denies America's assertion that they're together.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [America/Belarus, England, Canada, Sealand] -- As Alfred and Natalia await Arthur's delivery, they discover yet another problem in their machines.

- [part seven: fill] Face-palm moment #2173 [Russia/America] -- Really, Russia only has America's ovaries' best interest in mind.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Germany/America] -- The first time America sees him, he's standing on England's side. The next time they meet, they're on the same side, around America's own campfire.

- [part seven: fill] Land of the Free, Home of the Unnoticed [England, America] -- England always suspected that there was an America, even if no one could say they had ever met him or her. And then he just happens to bump into him.  Literally.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Maple Syrup is Like Crack [Prussia/Canada] -- Prussia makes it very clear to Canada that he wants some maple syrup. NOW. Canada wants to know when and how this translates into them being a couple, because that part is very unclear.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Japan/Canada] -- Canada and Japan are incredibly polite, even when they're about to have sex.

- [part seven: fill] They're Coming [Canada] -- He's all alone in the padded cell. Until they come for him, with their pills and needles.

- [part seven: fill] Let's call it a night [England/America] -- America called England over to get rid of his ghosts. But England starts acting very oddly...

- [part seven: fill] Geography Doesn't Lie [Canada/America] -- On (Canadian) Thanksgiving Day, Canada and America find a photo that proves...inspiring.

- [part seven: fill] A Spirit of My Own [Canada, America, England, ensemble] -- England enlists Canada's help in a ritual to fix the world economy and all seems well. But soon after a world meeting, South Italy disappears. And America can't help but notice that Canada is getting taller and thinner...

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] On the Shore [Greece/America/Japan] -- It's all about the words, with seemingly solid meanings in various languages, but always as formless and changeable as the smoke, the smog, and the sea.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part five: fill] Untitled [China, Russia, America] by MercuryLion (DeviantART) -- Russia and China come back with the supplies. And that burger does look tasty.

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Untitled [Canada/America] --  Canada seems rather happy to be on top of America like this. America doesn't look like he's complaining either.

Updated Entries

- ★★★ - [part two: fill] Each and Every One [Prussia/Austria] -- Prussia cheers up Austria.  (The link has been fixed)


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update, 2010 / 07 - july 2010

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