Daily Update: Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jul 13, 2010 19:53

News and Information

It's early.  But hey, France is our patron saint? country here at the Kindex.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Only the Classiest! [France/America] -- America is full of surprises tonight.

- [part seven: fill] One Giant Leap [America] -- The moon is America's special place: where he comes to think and revive his spirits.

- [part seven: fill] Snowball Fights Are Great Until Knives Are Included [America, Belarus] -- It's winter, and America is bored. But a snowball fight is never boring. Especially when your opponent is Belarus.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [America/England] -- America lives to rebel against England's sensible rules. Like kissing in the train station despite the "no kissing" sign.

- [part seven: fill] Mother Russia [Russia, America, Canada] -- Russia finds himself the guardian of two little North American nations.

- [part seven: fill] America's Hands [America, Canada, England, Australia] -- America is expressive not only with his words, but also with his hands.

- [part seven: fill] My Silent Language [America/England] -- England never knew that America was so fluent in sign language.

- [part seven: fill] One With the Rest [Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] -- Russia watches them, missing them. Only Estonia meets his gaze.

- [part seven: fill] Terra Scania [Denmark, Sweden, OC!Scania] -- In the struggle between Denmark and Sweden for control over her, it was probably Scania herself who lost the most.

- [part seven: fill] Comfort and Kisses [Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] -- They'll make it through so long as they have each other.

- [part seven: fill] Midnight Confessions [England->America] -- America doesn't feel the same way as England does, but he can't bear to hurt him. So he'll pretend to be oblivious, and never take away that hope or smile.

- [part seven: fill] Somehow This is Better [England->America] -- After dancing around and ignoring it, it's time for all parties to lay everything out in the open.

- [part seven: fill] From the Archives [Denmark, ensemble] -- The minutes from the 1992 World Meeting. Needless to say, not much was done, thanks to Denmark.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Slartibartfast/Norway] -- Fjords are serious business.

- [part seven: fill] Checkmate [Soviet Union!Russia/America/Russian Federation] -- It's 1991, and America walks right into a fight between two Russias. And it seems that America will be the new game that decides which Russia will ultimately triumph over the other.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Mind Game [England/France] -- If he's going to be woken up at god-forsaken hours for some bloody phone-sex, he's going to be the one "topping"!


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update, 2010 / 07 - july 2010

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