Some happy news. The griffin eggs are hatching. Definitely shaking and we can hear noises inside. Papa Griobh is keeping us all at a distance, but ... they are hatching.
Temporal authorities have taken charge of Duquesne - he has more charges to answer for than those crimes he committed here in the Valley. It will surprise me if he's out before the end of the is century - even with good behaviour. OTOH, he's already serving his sentence for the deaths he brought to the Preserve. Arthur had a good look at him and in his opinion, Duquesne has been locked inside his own mind, twisted into a maze from whence he may never return. And serve him right too!
We've held a memorial for those have passed through the Veil, bidding their spirits well on their journeys.
And despite the horrors that evil may visit upon us, to spite their intent, to spite their actions, life goes on.