Entrance to Rivendell !

Jul 30, 2013 11:13

I did it. Today, my total miles for the year equaled 397, the distance travelled by Bilbo and the dwarves from BagsEnd to Rivendell.

date mi. total rem. days notes
7/21 12 338 59 163 Kev’s b-day today. Decided to ride the trail back to Washington St. and come home via Forestvale. Still can’t make it up Digital Hill on Technology everytime. Met Sally the church organist on the rte, she mentioned that she had a tandem bike that she and her husband no longer use. I wonder if I can talk M into getting it and trying it out? Met a couple with a Shiztzu in a carriage (Rocky) and a peke-Shiztzu (Max) mix, stopped to chat with them a bit. Also stopped to offer unrequested advice on a man (Indian, my age or so) about how to pedal - he was putting his weight on his arches as he struggled up slopes.eta - checked Bilbo’s trip mileage the day after the fact and during this day’s journey, I encountered the Trolls @ mile marker 332.
7/22 15 353 44 162 Went hs. Carpet being cleaned, from elevator toward front - machine almost to the end of the non-fiction. He told me I could water the plants from there to the front, but decided to wait until Friday and water all. Went back to trail, rode it to Lincoln St. Marlboro then back. There is a hiking trail that goes around the campus at Fairbanks - may try it some day when I have bug spray. Met a couple of women with a black cocker spaniel (thought it was a poodle - spit-n-image of Missy, in my memory). We got to talking about the royal baby. I asked them what gender they thought - they said girl and I concurred. Then they challenged me on name. I guessed Charlotte Alexandra Elizabeth. They thought maybe Diana would be in there - maybe, but ... I think not.
eta it was a boy.
7/23 2 355 42 161 Rain today - had some real gully-busters already (@ 11 am). Took advantage of a lull in the rain to run to S&S to post some bills and get some produce. Looks as though the rain may let up later (~2), though, so I may be able to get some real riding in. Or maybe not. We’ll see.
8 363 34 Break in the clouds, as promised. B wanted a Top-Up card, so I went out on the Trail as far as Fitchburg St (Marlboro) turned toward the HWY and went through AsTech to Bolton/ Washington St and on to Walmart (.9 mi). They don’t carry ANY VirginMobile stuff anymore. Continued on Washington to CVS (.5 mi) and purchased a TopUp card (which is STILL not working on the website). There was a massive build-up of clouds when I got out of CVS, scary dark & big. I raced the rain home, got a bit damp, and ... as soon as I was inside - Sunshine and blue skies. Just had another rain dump, now it’s drizzling.Anyway - 1.6 mi to the Trail, 4 mi on the Trail, 0.9 to Walmart, 0.5 to CVS and 1 mi home = 8 mi.
7/24 12 375 22 160 Rode Trail to Lincoln St. in Marlboro then went on to Price Chopper & back, stopping at hardware store & @ Skin & Bones. Up and down & the cross lights are ... wonky. Deliberately wonky?Got M&Ms from PC and bathroom dessicant from hardware store. Need to take pics of fainting couch to send to man at Skin & Bones. (also, picked some spearmint to try to root.)
7/29 11 386 11 155 Confusion about mydental appointment - it was changed from 3:50 (which coincided with B’s appt) to 5:20 - completely w/o warning. Turned out Donna (my usual dental hygenist) is on vac this week, but that made it rather inconvenient.Rode Trail to Hf in the a.m. to pick up plain yogurt - they do NOT carry the brand I like. Didn’t realise I got non-fat until I put it away at home. Stupid. I suspect it’s the non-fat stuff that I don’t like.After B’s dental appt, I drove him home, then got myself ready and cycled back to the dentist. Was after 6 when I got out, so backtracked home.Managed to stay on my seat up AND OVER Digital Hill in the a.m. A N D up Eerie St. in the p.m. That’s a first for both. While I’ve managed to cycle to the top of Digital Hill from Washington St. before, this was the first time I didn’t have to stop at the top to catch my breath.
7/30 11 397 -0- 154 Made it. Couldn’t do the last mile & a half in Marlboro because of roadwork on Fitchburg St. so I turned around and went back to the trail-head in Hudson. That would be ... 11.6 - 3 = 8.6 mi + 3.2 = 11.8 mi total. Stopped at Hf for some fruit and bell peppers on the way back.Met Anna from the hs (custodian) on the Fish trail, walking Taffeta the dog. Stopped and chatted with her. Also stopped (near the far end of the Bunny Trail) to chat with someone wearing a UT Austin T-shirt.

bicycle, exercise, update, rivendell, dragons, hobbit

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