Na Gurnaidh Dragons

Jul 16, 2013 09:15

Jonah is still practising tai chi, the lake dragons seem amused rather than otherwise. Taibhse, otoh, appears fascinated, which annoys Mana Yamino and Clamhainn. (I think they're jealous.)

The trouble in the Village is heating up. The traditionalists are attempting to pressure Alasdair na Bèist to take a "more suitable" apprentice (i.e. male) to follow him as Gobhainn a' Bhaile. Well, not much luck in that, imho. "Bidh na gobhair bodhar as t-Fhoghar" ("Goats are deaf at Harvest time") as the saying goes, but bidh An Gobhainn bodhar re na bliadhna (the Smith {of the Valley} is deaf all the time).

From what I can see, Mairead NicLighiche, the apprentice in question, is a pleasant young woman - well capable of performing the office when the time comes. And An Gobhainn has always had the right to choose his own successor.

na gurnaidh, hatchlings, uighean, iseanan, dreaganan, dragons, eggs

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