Clearing away the debris from the fair, a small egg was found hidden in a tree. I brought it home with me to see if I could foster it.
I should mention, however, that the Sts Peter and Paul fair is NOT run by the village. The Abbey sponsors it, assesses fees, arranges security and reaps what immediate profit there may be. Villagers take part, as vendors or customers (usually the latter), and off-duty members of the Village Watch make up most of the security. And we rent the Commons to them when the merchants' booths overflow the water meadow where the major part of the fair takes place. There are some from the further reaches of Underhill who do not feel comfortable close to the trappings of a' chreideamh Romanach. And, of course, the Abbot refuses to let dragon vendors on Abbey grounds for some trivial reason (that fire was NOT caused by the unexpected hatching of a fire dragon, no matter what that ... that mial-theine bheag ... that firebug ... said! I STILL think he cracked her out of the egg himself, out of spite.)