(no subject)

Oct 19, 2005 19:13

I had a really great weekend!

Saturday Ash came over and we went down to Poughkeepsie to see The Rocket Summer. We got there pretty early and met up with Gina and Erin. We met Bryce a few times before the show. Bryce is The Rocket Summer, in case you don't know. He would stop and talk to us as he walked by because the only way into the Loft was the door we were waiting by. It was pretty fun. They let us around 7. We were in the front row. The opening acts weren't too bad. Bryce came on and he only played 6 songs. They cut him off and he was really bummed about it. The 6 songs he did play were really, really good though. I can't wait to see him play a whole set.

After the show (which was over by 9:30) we hung around for a long time. We met up with Bryce again and took some pictures. Ash, Gina, Erin, and I all went out to the parking lot and hung out for a while. Another girl we were there with, Jeana knows Bryce pretty well. She was talking to him outside of the venue and we walked over there. His band really wanted to go to Taco Bell and Bryce asked us if we wanted to come. Like he even needed to ask haha. We all followed them there. It was closed inside, so we decided to eat in the parking lot. Their van couldn't get close enough to the speaker, so they couldn't order and chaos ensued haha...it was very amusing. It eventually all got worked out though and we all parked and ate our food there. We stayed there in that parking lot for at least an hour just talking and hanging out. It was really fun. Bryce is a really cool, funny, nice guy. It's cool to kind of "get to know" the guy behind the music I've been listening to so much. I still kind of can't believe that happened, but I'm so happy it did. I'd write about all the stuff we talked about, but it would take a while!

Pictures? ok!

Bryce and Me!

Sunday I went with Chris and his friend Nate to Albany to see Nightmare of You. We went to this place called Bombers that had the biggest burritos of my life. It was pretty good though! We went to the show and saw Travis there. I haven't seen Travis in well over a year. He was selling Nightmare of You's merch. I bought a t shirt! We also saw Dann, Even, Kellen (Rollens), Brianna, and Evan. Lots of people came out for this show. Nightmare of You played for about 25 minutes. They sounded really good. We didn't stay for the other bands. We left right after they played.

Tomorrow we're going to Albany to see Gym Class Heroes which should be really fun! Saturday the Cast of Viva La Bam is coming to my school. That will be fun.

Ok. I guess I should go shower now!

P.S. Bryce just got signed to Island, so he's pretty much going to be huge. You will all know who The Rocket Summer is very soon!
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