(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 01:19

Its been a bad few days. I haven't cried this much in a long time. I guess its just a whole bunch of things all coming into my head and making me feel really depressed. I really hate school. On Friday I got two really horrible grades in two different classes. I was already feeling like crap that day and that didn't help at all. I cried the whole way driving home.

I wish I could stop feeling like this. I wish I could just get out of this house and do something, but I have no one to do anything with and it sucks. Its like the highlights of my days are talking to Talia on the phone. I really wish she lived here. I hate having so many long distance friends.

I'm lame. I just have to deal with it.

At least I don't have class on Monday or Tuesday. That will be nice. I'll sit at home and do absoluetly nothing like I always do.

I guess I'll try to go bed.
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