Let tomorrow come and take my time away

Oct 01, 2005 21:21

It's Saturday. Saturdays are good.

Dad hired some guy to re-do the shingles on our roof. Yesterday and today he started at 6:30 am. The roof is right above my room. It's pretty hard to sleep when someone is walking around, hammering, and making all kinds of noises right above you. I really hope he finishes this soon because I miss sleeping in.

Last night I went over to Chris's and hung out. We went out to Tex Mex with Lindsey and Jon. It was delicious. We went back to Chris's apartment and watched the baseball game because Chris loves baseball. After that was over we just sat around and listened to Kellen's band and Nightmare of You. I played them some Panic! At the Disco. Chris thinks they sound exactly like Fall Out Boy...which is kind of true I guess, but I don't really listen to Fall Out Boy.

I also brought the new AP over so Chris could see the Gym Class Heroes article with the huge picture and the I Am the Avalanche article. I know Chris is really happy for them, but I can tell he really regrets turning Matt down when he asked him to join. He talked about it a lot last night. I bet it really sucks for him to watch his friends be in successful bands even though he's happy for them. Chris is so much more talented than any of them. He should be the one in AP. He will be. I seriously have no doubt in my mind that my brother will be huge one day. His time will come, I know it. He deserves it more than pretty much anyone. As much as I'm going to hate it when he moves to Long Island, I know he needs to do it. He needs to be down there where he actually has a chance to get somewhere with his music.

Anyway, Talia's going to be calling soon so I'll just go now.

"atlantic" - thrice

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