
Sep 27, 2005 01:41

I can't sleep. Too many things on my mind.

Let's think about happy things.

Concert schedule:

October 15th - The Rocket Summer in Poughkeepsie. I really am pumped about this show. Bryce is amazing and I'm so glad Jess and Ash listened to him so much on our trip this summer because I would have never gotten into him if I hadn't been pretty much forced to listen to him every time we got in the car haha. Ash and I are going to this show and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again because I haven't seen her since July.

October 16th - Nightmare of You in Albany. I'm going with Chris and Lindsey to this show. I love Nightmare of You. Their new album is so good. I've loved these guys since they became a band and now they're getting big. Last time I saw them was last year with Brand New. I saw them once before that with My Chemical Romance. Can't wait to see them again.

October 20th - Gym Class Heroes in Albany. I'm going with Chris. We're getting in for free! I'm really excited to see them because I really do love their music...which is crazy because I've always been so against rap. They're different. I'm pumped.

October 28th - Hanson in Philly. Going with Ash and Jess. Yay road trip. I'm really hoping I can skip my phychology class that day because if I can't we won't be leaving until at least 2:30 and we wouldn't get to the show until like...right when it started. I'm sure I'll be able to skip it, but I won't know until it gets closer. We're staying at Mandi's house that night with a million other people.

Ocotber 29th - Hanson in Atlantic City. Two Hanson shows in a row. I think I'll probably explode. Going with Ash and Jess of course.

November 5th - Hanson in Hampton Beach. YES. BEACH. Weird that I saw Hanson play at Carnegie Hall on November 5th two years ago. Ok, not that weird. Going to this with Ash. We're staying with Sassy at her dorm that night.

November 12th - Hanson in Cleveland. This show was so do-able, I had to go. First I asked Allison if she wanted to come, but she couldn't. I then went out on a limb and asked Steph, totally expecting her to be like "it's too much money" or "I don't really want to see Hanson." She was so into it though. I think she's more excited about the road trip than the actual show. I'm really excited for Steph to see Hanson. I've never gone to a Hanson show with someone who didn't listen to them before. She'll have fun. We're meeting TALIA there! I haven't seen Talia since Mayfest. Me, Steph, Talia, and Stephanie are all staying at the Holiday Inn Express Downtown. It's right across the street from the venue, it's perfect. Plus it's not even that much since we're splitting it between the 4 of us.

So much good stuff to look forward to. I can't even wait.

In other news, Jesse actually answered his phone last Thursday and we hung out. Of course Val had to be there though. It was alright. Val just had a kid in August, which is crazy to me. She's 19...but it's just weird that kids I graduated with are having babies. I got to hold her baby. He started crying so I gave him to Jesse. Jesse's really sweet. The baby fell asleep in his arms and Jesse would give him kisses sometimes. Boys with babies. Cute.

Jesse and I are going to hang out sometime again, go to a movie or something. Maybe I'll call him this weekend. I really hope he and I can start hanging out on a regular basis because I feel like I really need more friends around here. Jesse and Steph are really the only two people from high school I still talk to. I guess since Jess has gone to college she has decided she wants nothing to do with us anymore, she's got a whole new life now. It's sad because in high school she and I were pretty close now I'll probably never see her again. Nicole...who even knows what she's doing. Jesse told me she doesn't work at the County Building anymore so right now she has no job and she's not in college. I guess I can't really judge her or say what she should or shouldn't do since it's her life, but I think she really should have stayed in school. Now that she left I really don't think she's going to go back. Hopefully she'll figure things out.

It's 2 am and I have to get up at 9:30 tomorrow. I still don't feel that tired. I guess I'll try to sleep though.

I'm so out of here.
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