Aug 24, 2011 01:45
Ever have one of those days?
You know a Monday on a Tuesday, a day that you can't wait to end because you are banking on the promise of the floods to end and the clouds to part and reveal a better tomorrow? It was one of those days today for me. Nothing MAJOR went wrong, nothing life threatening. It was just a collection of little things that when added together made you think of new ways to kill yourself just to prove your mind still held a touch of creativity left as life squeezed out all the sunshine? I decided I was going to stab myself to death with a plastic pink flamingo from someone's lawn. Not a new shiny pink flamingo, no... one that has been in the yard for years and is so sun faded that it's almost white. One that has been through so much rain and snow (because the truly dedicated people leave them out ALL year long) that it's post is rusted and starting to flake. Yep, my death of choice today.
Seriously though the day was a mess. I got the kids off to school and had to stop in to talk to a couple teaches regarding mystery assignments for Brenden and Aiden. The next part of my was the easiest. When it came time for me to pick them up from school is when the "khaos" started. I went to the elementary school to pick up the youngest 4 kids. First out was Aiden and Cassidy, who were all smiles. Next out was Brenden, who was freaking out because he couldn't find Alexander. I let Alexander and Brenden walk home from school together the other day and they are loving the "I'm a big boy" feeling it gives them. Well Brenden couldn't find Alexander, and knew this meant he isn't walking home. Soon enough he came out and was hanging his head because... wait for it... he got a conduct form. Ugh!! First full week of school and already we have a conduct form. Apparently he didn't complete his Science and Social Studies assignments because he forgot to bring it home the night before. Oh wow, that NEVER happens. No one is walking home today.
I get everyone in the van and lecture them all about homework all the way to the high school to pick up Jordan. He comes walking out with his friend Travis, who innocently asks me to give him a ride home.'s on my way back to work, jump in. Quickly. Quicker! So the two teens pile in and I rush to the doctors office to pick up a prescription to bring to the pharmacy. I leave the doctors office, still lecturing about homework and activities and responsibility all the way home. I leave the kids off at the house, yelling out warnings as I leave with Travis to head back to work. Half way to drop off Travis it hits me... DANGIT... I forgot to stop at the pharmacy to drop off the prescription. Okay, no problem I'll drop it off after work on the way to get Cassidy from soccer practice.
Fast forward to after work and I am walking to my van as my cell phone goes off. It's Jordan, letting me know that Brenden didn't make it to Football practice because his homework wasn't complete yet. Ugh! It turns out that the part he didn't complete yet isn't due for 2 days so I tell him to get Brenden into his pads and get to practice. I started to head home instead of the pharmacy because I knew it would be faster if I drove him than to have him walk. This is when my phone rings again. Jordan calls to tell me that Brenden's football pads are in the back of my van. Ugh! I'm almost home anyway, right? I get home, open the back of my van... not there. For the love of Pete!!! They were right in the living room. Seriously?! Okay, so I get him all padded up, filled the water bottle and rush him to practice. We get there, and it's a paddless practice due to the heat. Of course it is. I strip him of the pads we found to find and get him in with the boys. Okay... now to the pharmacy! I'm on the way when I realize that I just don't have the time to come get Jordan and Alexander to bring them to scouts by 7pm, pick up Cassidy at 7pm from soccer and get the prescription filled. I phoned Jordan to tell him to have Robert bring them and I will pick them up. Jordan told me that he isn't going to go to scouts tonight but....*click*.... Huh? I tried to call him back, nothing. Then my phone rings again, its Jordan and he is calling on Alexander's cell phone. Guess what? He is out of cell phone minutes again. I swear that boys burns through so many minutes! Fine, I'll get him more later. Anywayyyyy... he isn't going to scouts but Alexander will and Robert can take him and I'll pick him up. Okay, cool. I get to the pharmacy and my phone screams at me again... its Jordan. On Alexander's phone. Again.
Mom: Yes?
Jordan: Hi ...I love you so much.
Mom: What do you want and how much is this going to cost me?
Jordan: I just wanted to tell you how hot you are....
Mom: Seriously, how much?
Jordan: The microwave is broke.
Mom: What??
Jordan: Well it turns on, but the plate thing doesn't rotate and it won't heat anything.
Mom: *insert inappropriate laughter for the situation*
Jordan: Yeah.
At this point it's just comical. I pay for the prescription and leave to pick up Cassidy. Robert brings Alexander and I head to the store to pick up a new microwave and pick up some groceries. Okay, not enough time before I have to pick up Alexander so I'll just get the microwave for now. I pick one out and get up to the register. The flippin thing won't scan, the serial number is invalid, it won't ring up no matter what they try. I'm running late, and there is now about 3,000 people behind me rolling their eyes.
Mom: You know what, just put it aside, I'll come back later and get it because I've got to be somewhere and there are people waiting in line here.
Cashier: Let me just try this one more time.
Mom: It's okay I'll just come... (Cashier tries, fails again)
Cashier: Hmm.. I wonder why it...
Mom: It's really okay, I have to come back to get some groceries, I'll just get it then.
Cashier: I'll call a supervisor and see if we can get this to ring up.
Mom: Seriously! I have to go! I will be back, just put it aside.
I apologized to the people in line and I grab Cassidy by the hand as we rush to the car to pick up Alexander.
On the way to get Alexander, Cassidy says...
Cassidy: Why are we getting a new microwave?
Mom: Ours died. (No flamingos were harmed)
Cassidy: It died? Really? It's dead?
Mom: Well no, its not dead, but its very sick. And I can't fix it. I don't want to anyway. Easier to replace it.
We get there and as he is walking up to the car he asks why I'm there because Robert said he would pick him up. No.. I told Robert I would get you. And who drives up as I am saying this... Robert. So we all head home to reclaim what is left of "Family Time", which consists of me checking homework and folders, making sure everyone had a somewhat decent meal for supper and getting everyone into bed reasonably close to bedtime. Finally... I can relax and put an end to this day.
Crap! No I can't. The microwave is still waiting with my name on it at register 8. BLACH!! So I run back at 10pm to pick up the damn microwave only to have the same thing happen again. They did a manual override and *poof* I am now an owner of a new microwave. A microwave that I am too tired to mess with so it is in my kitchen and still in it's box.
Yep.. I'll deal with that tomorrow. That is unless I come across that sun faded flamingo first.