Supernatural: The Great Escapist Go Kevin! I loved the end, when he turned the tables - and while you could see it coming, it was still kind of awesome. It was nice to see Kevin believe in himself. I'm a little confused as to how Crowley found Kevin. The last time we saw anything the boat's windows were blown out and then Kevin was gone, but the windows were fixed. Are we to believe that, yes, Crowley was only in his mind at that time, Kevin left and then got caught? It's slightly unclear and I suppose it doesn't matter but it's been bothering me.
I did like Crowley's plan, it was thought out and the demons playing Sam and Dean were great. And the fact the Kevin admitted the demons were nicer, that's just wrong, but true and funny.
Sam being delirious was really adorable, and Dean's caring of his brother was awesome. The food making, the putting him to bed, the humoring his stories. I liked the Metatron story, head so far in the sand he had no idea what was going on, but I liked that he wanted to help. I wonder if we will see him again. And his instructions to "cure a demon" - doesn't sound so easy. But it's nice that they have a purpose.
I thought Castiel jumping from one diner to another was very clever, so was hiding the tablet within himself, very gross, but clever. I actually felt bad for Ion, he seemed torn about Castiel's torture and Naomi's plan. I also wanted him to divulge more information of how it worked, their memories being wiped etc.
Revolution: Home Wow, they just keep making the relationship between Myles and Monroe deeper, longer and more emotional. Not only did they grow up together, they both cared about the same girl in high school. They seem to share a lot. *wink wink* And now Monroe has a son he doesn't know, Myles actually killed a person on his own team because they too the shot and killed Emma and wounded Monroe. Dude, it really is a slushy dream, if only Monroe wasn't so crazy and evil now. (this is the storyline that interests me).
The reunion between Aaron and Priscilla was... awkward and cold. I can't remember if she left him or he left her. Kind of shows my interest level in the show, that I can't remember that. And I kind of feel that's important.
And are you freakin' kidding me about Tom Neville???? Now he is going to have to work together?! That's just messed up.
And Charlie. Really, how does her hair continue to look so clean and bouncy? They are in a world without electric, and while most women have their hair up, not Charlie. ugh i really hate her But I enjoy David Lyons (Monroe), he is pretty and he cries so beautifully.
Arrow: The Undertaking Dude, the pain. Geezus, one hit after another for Oliver and just, wow. But I felt so strongly for him at the end, knowing his mother knew about Walter's disappearance, that Malcolm is not who he seems. He told Laurel he's in love with her. He had to crawl back to Diggle. It was a hard episode for him.
The whole Diggle thing, I think they were both wrong. Oliver promised Diggle he would help avenge his brother's death, but Diggle has to understand that if Oliver had not been there for Laurel and the kid, everyone would have been dead. So they needed to meet somewhere in the middle, except I feel Oliver came all the way to Diggle's side, however they are still working for Oliver's agenda.
And my favorite thing about the episode was seeing how this group of people started out with such good intentions, to clean up the Glades, protect all citizens. And how that idea degraded into ... leveling the Glades and killing those that live there to start again. Yeah, very far from where they started. And disturbing that they actually ended up there, I realize it was Malcolm's idea, but the others went with it.
Should be interesting to see how the end of the season plays out. Oliver can't tell Tommy about his Dad, not without proof, and I will be very surprised if Malcolm dies, I figure he survives to reek havoc next season.
Merlin: eps before the start again tonight *sigh* It's no wonder I dragged my feet in watching these three episodes. They are so painful and dark and geezus. Merlin's emotional pain at saving Arthur from the poison, Merlin's physically pain at almost dying, Arthur about to find out that Gwen is betraying him. And seeing Arthur care so much about Merlin, finally, and even though he keeps saying he's at the tavern, the care he has for Merlin is clear. And to know how this will end... it's just hard to get excited about something that will descend into darkness. But it begins tonight and I will not let them pile up, I will be a good little fan girl and watch them weekly as quickly as possible. (Which for me will be Monday morning.)
Mr KA is away for the night, he and his friends from high school went to the casino to celebrate they have all turned or will turn 40. Just me and boys. :) It's going to be good although the hardest thing will be getting up tomorrow at 6:15 or 6:30, whenever they get up. I normally get to stay in bed until 8:00 as Mr KA gets up with the kids on the weekend. So I need to concentrate on the fact that 6:30 is way later than the 5:00 I get up everyday. Right?
LM#1 has a baseball game tomorrow and it's "appreciation" day where all the games have announcers and they will read the kid's stats and interests. Both sets of grandparents will be there, which is perfect because that means I'll be able to take pictures as LM#2 will have four people wanting his attention. My in-laws are arriving sometime in the mid to late morning. Would love a time as I need to go food shopping and if they are going to be here at 11:30 I'll go before they arrive If 10:00 then I'd wait for them and leave the kids with them. *g* I think I'll be going to the store as I can't see them being here that early.
Work. Well there's been a bit of a shake up at work. We have a new CEO and he's making business unit changes and everyone is worried about our location. And after attending three meetings about it, there is nothing to "know" right now. All the changes effective now have nothing do with us, we still need to perform our daily functions to the people that are experiencing a change. I'm sure it will be fine, but the tizzy was started due to a Q&A stating that out location's move to a brand new facility is on hold. We've already sign a letter of intent, deposits, architects. I'm sure it will be fine, and I realize that all those things can be defaulted on, but I'm going with the company won't do that. Hey I can be naive right now.
Iron Man 3 came out today. I'm sad that I won't be seeing it until the 18th. A friend saw it, said it was fun, a bit of a mess, but fun and RDJ was great. And while I haven't seen it yet, kind of disappointed to hear that it's "messy". But we'll see. And I didn't realize that Star Trek: Into Darkness was opening on the 17th. I think the theater will be crowded that weekend. That's our next date night.
And my love/obsession, whatever you want to call it, for RDJ is not lessoning at all. It just keeps growing, it's a bit disturbing actually.