Mar 23, 2010 10:33
...will not be discussed in this journal past my saying this:
Selective amnesia and name calling is no way to run a country. Grow up. Accept the facts. You had eight years of running the country into the ground, give somebody else a chance to fuck up. Debate is good until you invoke Godwin's Law and start bullying because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. The baby killers are the insurance companies refusing lifesaving treatment for children with "pre-existing conditions" from the moment they're born. Insurance companies are the group with death panels. Haven't you people ever seen The Rainmaker? Large corporations who make campaign contributions are not "the American people."
I just want to smack everyone who believes the hate and fear mongering and tell them to look past what the beauty contestant is telling them and get the facts. My parents may now be able to afford to buy their prescriptions AND food, clothing, and shelter. Damn Democrats are ruining their life. How will they survive without the stress keeping them up at night?
If I have to lock replies to this post I will. See if I don't!
Really, I want all this politics stuff to go away. I don't want to hear it. I don't want people around me fighting about it. I had eight years of cringing every time a bill got signed, but you didn't see me running around screaming "the sky is falling". Let it go or let me go. I come here to escape, not to argue.
And that's all I have to say about that.