Mar 22, 2010 09:50
I'm meeting a cast of thousands at the Brady House at 330pm today. I'm going to take better pictures and get some input on how much repairs would cost.
I know I need to get some ready cash - well ready. I'm thinking about a yard sale first off, but what to put in it? My book seems like a way I might be able to get cash if I take it to some local fairs and festivals, but that means buying a supply. The snag there is I wanted to edit it first and I might not sell them after I lay out the cash for copies. I wonder if Walmart and Kroger would let me have a bakesale outside there door. They let the Girl Scouts do it. I was a Girl Scout and I've proven over the years that I am not-for-profit.
Anybody got $65,000 I can borrow?
My mom said when she worked at the courthouse they called that neighborhood Snob Hill. I'm not a snobby person, but I still want to live there. I just asked my boss to come out there on the guise of replacing some of the wood with steel.
I'm so excited!
Edit:Somebody bought my Brady Bunch house this morning. I haz a ginormous sad.