Holy fucksicles! An update!

Sep 22, 2009 08:04

Just thought I'd post an update since it's been almost a month since the last.

College  has been a whirlwind of changes. Victor and I broke up for whatever reason pertaining to his depressive "thinking" state and la dee fucking dah good for him, if it was because I don't fuck on the first date and he wanted a girl that gave more, so be it. I  DON'T. I'm twenty four, about to be twenty five in six months and I still haven't indulged myself to the trend of sex. I have a smoking habit, true, and I'll drink anything with a nail polish remover scent that lay in front of me, but I won't take the risk of shitting out babies for that carnal pumping ACTION ACTION ACTION!!! I currently think Ol' Vic is hot for some other girl, which is fine because I don't get cursed with his genetic strands in later life writing in crayon on my living-room walls and screaming me awake when I have to work in the morning.

Again, why did I date? The worst thing about it was...for the first time, I actually felt something of a fondness for him too. WTF? A soul? Please, I'm not supposed to have one of those horrid things.

On to other topics. I may be going to Europe if things go financially swell. ME? EUROPE? INORITE? Can you imagine all the techno slam scenes in London I will be hitting? Just don't let me slip into Germany. I'll never come back. And no that isn't my confession of being one of those awful Deutcheaboos, I'm just talking...okay. BERLIN. DRESDEN. Hello? You know what kind of shit those cities have? The Autobahn---you can go as fast as you want on that road. It's a PUBLIC racetrack basically, only it gets you somewhere! Of course the Autobahn would be no fun without my brother, being there would probably give him a heartattack from all the ecstasy he would feel with his vehicular power-lust. ENGINES. He can't get enough of the mechanics. And rightly so, I've mentioned before how badass at it he is. He's a fucking phenomenon at it. Anyhoo, so yeah. Me. Europe. COULD YOU IMAGINE?! I have the money to go for it too lined up for me, but only if my Financial Aid and Stafford comes in this semester to pay tuition. I owe the collegiate mafia five grand so far and that number isn't decreasing any as long as the paper work is being sat upon at the business office, and I only have until Sept. 30th to get my $90 deposit for the trip in. WE'LL SEE KIDS. WE'LL SEE.

A little shoutout to my pals here: Miss you all! This studying thing is, how you say, "the bitch"? Glad I'm doing it though, all that's there for me back in WANGBURN is blistering rot.


EDIT: Why did I LJ-cut? :\

awesome, omg, good times, college, sarcasm gravy, a +!, dreams, fuck

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