SHINee Art Post!

Aug 17, 2010 02:47

Hello All!

I've promised tsukipon a drawing of Taecifer (and Ga-In) but my epic art block has not gone away in forever. That and I keep on getting distracted by SHINee related things on Shakizi and omonatheydidnt. My art block has been bothering me for a while so today I kind of forced myself to draw. Man am I rusty :x

These are some of the better doodles that I've done but I plan on possibly redrawing these one day. But I def. plan on rescanning them during work tomorrow because my pics are a bit fuzzy >>;

All pics were inspired by the Lucifer PV  :3 I think I've watched it like, 30 times tonight and killed my ipod lololol

Omg these are huge wtf photobucket

Drawn in order:

I had so much trouble with his arms and legs, I kept on making him look too puffy...Taemin looks like a woman orz

Onew and Minho. I had problems with Onew's arm--it looked like he was on steroids at one point. And Minho was cross-eyed for the longest time while I was sketching out Onew 8D

Key. I now loathe his hair because I couldn't figure out how to draw it lol.

Jonghyun. First time drawing this idiot and I'm surprised I didn't make him look silly 8D

Drawing that took the longest: Taemin (my initial sketches sucked so badly ffff)
Shortest: Jonghyun (lol can't you see by how smudge free it is?)
Hardest part to do: Tie between Onew's arm and Key's hair. Muscles + buzz cut hair = hard :x
Easiest part: Minho's hair (lmao)

Critque please? :3 Anything I can do to improve?

A better post coming soon when I'm more coherent 8D /half asleep

i am lame, art, shinee

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