My mother is annoying me.

Jul 14, 2008 00:27

I swear, she has always been overtly paranoid about EVERYTHING since I was a kid but she's been close to intolerable since I've moved into my own place. Since I was a kid she has always preached normal things such as "Don't go out at night, it's dangerous" "Never take things from strangers" and "Always lock the door". My teenage years have mostly consisted of "I don't like the idea of sleepovers. What if your friends' family has a nutter that kills you when you are sleeping in their house? What if the male relative is a rapist?! I read stories where girls lure their friends to their houses and then assist in the rape! You remember the Oregon City girls right? Buried in the backyard!" Nevertheless, I gave up on the idea of ever going to a sleepover.

When I moved into the dorms she started preaching "Lock the doors, or maybe some insane person will come to kill you. Mommy is not around to protect you anymore" or "Say no to (insert some sort of activity) because your mother told you not to!" and things such as "make sure you hide your laptop and printer. Maybe your roommate is a klepto or someone will come in and steal it"

But in the last several weeks, she's been getting increasingly paranoid and naggy. It's really sad how our conversations the past month have been mostly of 
* have you eaten? 
* what did you eat? 
* what did you do today? 
* do you work tomorrow? 
* what times? 
* How are the other two girls in the house? 
* How is Iva? (My dormmate who is upstairs)  
* Make sure you lock the doors and you check in your closet, under your bed and in the little alcove place to make sure there is no one hiding who will come in and kill you. 
* Have you been storing your dishes in the cupboards again? I want you to put them in your room because someone can sprinkle poison on your dishes
*okay i'm sleepy now, so go to bed early, bye

I try to mix it up and talk about other things but it always veers back into that mold because she follows it. And tonight she called and the same conversation played out, However, before the last part, I mentioned that my aunt has bought me a gallon of milk and I bought some orange juice and I'm storing it in the outside fridge to use the least space in the outside fridge. My apartment has a shared kitchen, bathroom and living area complete with a full sized fridge. I still  have my mini fridge from my dorm days so I'm storing most of my things in there for the time being with the exception of the large things such as milk and OJ because it's not really maximizing space usage and I don't want to take up a lot of space.

She blows up at me and demands that I move the oj and milk to my mini fridge because someone can plant pot or cocaine into my milk/oj and "So what if they aren't dangerous today? They might be crazy tomorrow!" I'm trying to tell her that it's not dangerous around here, my cousin, her boyfriend, and one of my older friends said so and how I can only put so much INTO my mini fridge. It's already pretty full with all the stuff she gives me (I don't want you to starve!) and the stuff my aunt brings by (I went to costco and got you a some stuff!). I also told her that most people that break into a house are looking to steal things, not plant pot into my orange juice. Heck they may steal it (and my landlords' tv and microwave) before putting stuff in there! And besides, if there were crazy people around they probably would have acted.  "Mommy, I've lived her for a month, if I can't trust them after a month, then I can never trust them?..(Her Response) You bet, they may be just waiting, you can never trust them!!1 Bad people never stop, they wait!!1 Mother, they aren't Chuck Norris...What's Chuck Norris? Is he a serial rapist?    >>;;

So this argument want on for an hour. Which is pretty sad because I'm really annoyed how she keeps on saying that I need to learn how to be independent and find my own kind of lifestyle but I still need to listen to everything she says. Which is really redundant because she's opinionated about everything and has her own way to doing stuff. Heck she even disagrees with how I put the toilet paper in and how you peel a banana."You put it so it is facing you, what kind of moron puts it so it's coming from the back?" and "Pull from the short side, not from the long part, I swear, why did I let your father teach you how to open a banana"

So the point is, I CAN probably find room to put the orange juice and milk into my mini fridge, but I really don't want to because I've lived here for the past month and nobody seems to be a crack addict/psychopath, and I like putting my milk and oj in the outside fridge because it's easier for me.  I'm not trying to be a brat but I'm just trying to be independent and make my own decisions, and I don't want her breathing down my neck everytime I do something different. She is wise and knows more stuff than I do and I understand she does worry about me, but still, I want to develop my own lifestyle. Thus our phone call ended with her saying how I'm not being obedient and I'm being stubborn and frustrating. =/

On the bright side, I've been learning how to cook! Back at home I rarely cooked because my mom would criticize how I did it. I have accomplished Spam Musubi, chinese noodles and fried rice so far ;-)

family, life, annoyance

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